Araschnia davidis

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Araschnia davidis
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Spotted butterfly (Nymphalinae)
Genre : Araschnia
Type : Araschnia davidis
Scientific name
Araschnia davidis
Poujade , 1885

Araschnia davidis is a butterfly fromthe noble butterfly family (Nymphalidae). It is common in China and shows a seasonal dimorphism like the closely related map ( Araschnia levana ). It is named after the collector of the butterflies for the first description , the clergyman A. David.


Araschnia davidis has a wingspan of 46 millimeters. It has irregularly running transverse bands and lines on the forewing on a black-brown base color. In the outer half of the hind wing there is a wide red-brown band, in the middle of which there is a round and in front of and behind it other irregularly shaped black spots. The root field is crossed by several reddish brown lines. The top bandages are lighter in color. The underside is red-brown, mixed with black. The veins are brightly set off, especially on the hind wing. In the outer field of the forewing there are a number of white spots on a purple background and in the outer field of the hind wing there are a number of white dots outlined in black. The middle one is less pronounced on a bluish smear. Three black lines on a light background run along the edge.

Araschnia Davidis var. Oreas from John Henry Leech Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea , 1892

The taxon oreas Leech , 1892 has a wingspan of 52 millimeters and is perhaps only a seasonal form of Araschnia davidis . Whether it is a separate species is unclear. oreas has narrower bands and lines, some of which are yellowish in color. Close to the edge of the hind wing there is a row of blue streak marks. The underside is drawn more vividly, the basic color almost red.

Way of life and distribution

Araschnia davidis is known from Moupin in eastern Tibet , oreas from western China ( Wassukow , Chowpinsa , Putsufong ). Nothing is known about the way of life.


  • The Palaearctic butterflies . In: Adalbert Seitz (ed.): The large butterflies of the earth . tape 1 . Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart 1909, p. 210 .
  • John Henry Leech : Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea , Volume 1, 1892-4, London, pp. 274f PDF

Individual evidence

  1. G.-A. Poujade: Séanee du 13 May 1885 . In: Société entomologique de France (ed.): Annales de la Société entomologique de France . 6e series, No. 5 , 1885, p. 94 ( PDF [accessed March 17, 2016]).
  2. a b Leech, p. 274
  3. a b Seitz, p. 210

Web links

Commons : Araschnia davidis  - Collection of images, videos and audio files