Association of Development Services

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The Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Entwicklungsdienste e. V. (AGdD), based in Bonn, is the umbrella organization of the seven development service providers in Germany recognized by the BMZ who send skilled workers in accordance with the Development Workers Act . The AGdD was founded in 1994 as a non-profit association. The funding agency affiliated with it has existed since 1969.


The AGdD works as an umbrella organization for the political strengthening and for the social appreciation of the development service and the civil peace service. She is the contact person for parliament, government and political parties and conducts an intensive professional exchange on development service-related issues. It also deals with all contractual and practical issues relating to the implementation of the Development Aid Act and makes necessary adjustments.

The AGdD also supports specialists in the development service and civil peace service in their return through the funding agency. Because the return process is - like the preparation - part of the development service and is taken into account accordingly in the Development Aid Act. Section 12 of the law stipulates that development workers who have returned to Germany (or Europe) and who are looking for a new job should be “mediated and professionally supported”, taking into account their particular experience and knowledge [...]. This task has been with the Förderungswerk since 1969, which has been part of the AGdD for many years. In addition, the AGdD offers comprehensive information and individual advice as well as seminars, exchange forums and networking opportunities, e.g. B. through the online platform "ConnectED". Family members who have accompanied their life partners in the development service can also use these offers. The AGdD regularly publishes the magazine “transfer” on topics relating to return and professional orientation. In it, returnees report on their experiences, their professional careers or how the development service still works in their everyday lives. The experience reports are supplemented by expert interviews and a wealth of information on current developments in the training and labor market.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ: Development worker and development worker . Retrieved April 2, 2019 .
  2. ^ Text of the Development Aid Act
  3. Offers and networks for returning specialists from the development service. (PDF) AGdD, 2018, accessed on April 2, 2019 .