Archambaud I (Périgord)

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Archambaud I († 1212 ) was probably a Count of Périgord from the House of Périgord . He was believed to be a younger son of Count Elias VI. († around 1202/1203) and his wife Raymonde, a daughter of Vice Count Raimund von Ribérac.

Archambaud is mentioned in a document of the Abbey of Chancelade and in one of the Bishop of Ramnulf of Périgueux both as Count of Périgord and as Vice-Count of Ribérac, which he should have inherited through his mother. The second, issued in 1212, commemorates him in memoriæ .

It is difficult to determine whether he actually served as Count of Périgord, as the genealogy of the count's family in the 12th and early 13th centuries in particular is unclear due to a lack of documents. It is noticeable that he does not appear with the middle name "Talleyrand" in both documents, because all the Counts of Périgord had been the first-born sons of the family since the beginning of the 12th century, which is why Archambaud must have been a second-born son. In any case, Count Elias VI was on. Talleyrand was followed by Count Elias VII. Talleyrand , who presumably Archambaud's older brother and probably died shortly after his father. It is possible that Archambaud was therefore able to officiate briefly as the guardian of his nephew Archambaud II , although he appeared independently as early as 1212.


  • Le Cartulaire de l'abbaye Notre-Dame de Chancelade , ed. by L. Grillon and B. Reviriego (2000), No. 42, p. 55
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France, Collection Périgord , Vol. 33, fol. 373

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