Archive for women's studies in the history of philosophy and theology

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Under the overall title Archive for Women's Research in the History of Philosophy and Theology , Elisabeth Gössmann, as author and editor, has published a number of newly annotated historical publications by authors from the 16th to 18th centuries that deal with the intellectual and artistic achievements of women from the earliest times until the end of the 18th century. These writings were part of the history and reception within the centuries-long Querelle des femmes , in which they advocated the defense and dignity of women, but also against it.


Most of the historical writings about outstanding learned women, or vice versa: about their contempt, were / will be made accessible again through these new editions. They illustrate the history of the Querelle des femmes . Eight volumes and a special volume have been published since 1984, all with comments, notes and some with facsimiles .

Example: Johann Frauenlob's book The Praise Society of Learned Women from 1631. This baroque print is originally reproduced in volume two of the series. In this volume, Gössmann wrote ' Eve' as an introduction to the Hebrew Bible and in the interpretation through the centuries . The order of the women treated in the ancient scriptures in volumes 1–4 is usually arranged alphabetically by name. The fourth volume is titled Whether women are human beings or not? from the identical, anonymous contribution from 1618. Volumes three, five and seven contain extensive facsimiles. Volume five contains Mulier Papa - The Scandal of a Female Pope . On the reception history of the figure of Popess Johanna . The special volume is about Hildegard von Bingen , attempts at an approximation . Some volumes appeared in second and third, expanded editions.

The individual volumes

All of them were published by IUDICIUM Verlag, Munich, from 1984, some in the 2nd edition
  • Vol. 1 The Well-Being Woman . 1998 (2)
  • Vol. 2 Eva God's masterpiece . 2000 (2)
  • Vol. 3 Johann Caspar Eberti: Opened cabinet of the learned women = room (1706) / Silesia high = and well-learned woman (1727) . 1990 (2)
  • Vol. 4 Whether women are men or not . 1996 (2)
  • Vol. 5 Mulier Papa – The scandal of a female Pope. On the reception history of the figure of Popess Johanna . 1994
  • Vol. 6 Does the spirit know no gender? 1994
  • Vol. 7 Jo. Henr. Feustking : Gynaeceum Haeretico Fanaticum, or history and description of false prophets, Quakers, enthusiasts and other sectarian and enthusiastic women persons (1704) . 1998
  • Special volume Hildegard von Bingen. Attempts to get closer . 1995
  • Vol. 8 Wisdom - A beautiful rose on the thorn bush . 2004


  1. ^ Elisabeth Gössmann: Archive for women's research in the history of philosophy and the history of theology . IUDICIUM Verlag Munich, 1980 (?) Ff.
  2. Elisabeth Gössmann (ed.) Eva pp. 114–159.
  3. Eva God's masterpiece, pp. 11–44.
  4. Volume 5. Mulier Papa - The Scandal of a Female Pope contains 500 pages facsimile.

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