Argyre Planitia

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Martian crater Argyre Planitia
Topography from the MOLA instrument of the Mars Global Surveyor
Topography from the MOLA instrument of the Mars Global Surveyor
Mars crater Argyre Planitia (Mars)
Martian crater Argyre Planitia
position 50 °  S , 43 °  W Coordinates: 50 °  S , 43 °  W
diameter 893 km
depth 5000 m
Age about 3.9 billion years
The southeast of the Argyre Planitia region as captured by the Mars Global Surveyor in 2002. Galle crater at the bottom right of the picture

Argyre Planitia is a circular, vast plain on the southern hemisphere of the planet Mars . Your name is derived from ancient Greek and means something like "silver plane". Argyre Planitia is the third largest impact basin on Mars after Hellas Planitia and Isidis Planitia .

The center of the area is located in 49.4 degrees south latitude and 42.8 degrees west longitude . The plain lies between the highland regions of Aonia Terra and Noachis Terra .


Argyre Planitia was formed about 3.9 billion years ago, during the early geological history of the planet, by the impact of an asteroid . The impact basin has a diameter of about 900 km and lies on average 5 km below the surrounding regions. The bottom of the basin has several large impact craters , the largest of which, Martian Hooke Crater ( 44 ° 55 ′  S , 44 ° 24 ′  W ) on its northern edge, has a diameter of 138 km. In the middle of the elevations of the eastern rim of the crater , on the border to Noachis Terra, lies the 224 km large Galle impact crater ( 50 ° 38 ′  S , 31 ° 0 ′  W ). In addition, relatively sharply defined rock formations rise from the plain.

See also

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