Ariano Fernandes

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Ariano Mário Fernandes Fonsêca

Ariano Mário Fernandes Fonsêca (born April 28, 1963 in João Pessoa , Paraíba ) is a Brazilian businessman, lawyer and politician .


Fernandes was the founder of Rádio Potiguara , the first radio station in Mamanguape. In 2000 he founded the Agroidustria Fernandes Fonsêca Ltda distillery .

In 1988 he ran a mayoral candidacy in Mamanguape for the PMDB , together with Guilherme do Nascimento Soares . The mayoral election was lost with 8,054 votes to 8,409 votes against in favor of Aécio Flàvio Fernandes and Eunice Maria Nascimento Pessoa. In 1992 another candidate for mayor followed in Mamanguape, together with Nemesio Meireles . The election was lost with 9,092 votes in favor of Guilherme do Nascimento Soares ( PDS ) with 9,384 votes and Irene Lira Aguiar ( PT ) with 418 votes. He became director of the FAE of Paraíba.

In 1994 he was elected member of the PMDB for the ALPB with 17,224 votes and in 1998 he was first re-elected with 19,661 votes. After re-election with 23,670 votes in 2002, he was also Vice President of the Centro Cultural Jerusalém (CCJ). Due to difficulties with Senator José Maranhao , he left the PMDB in 2005 and joined the PSDB . In 2006 he was re-elected as a member of the PSDB for the ALPB with 18,713 votes. In 2008 he took over the seat of parliament from Dinaldo Wanderley to become mayor of the city of Patos . He left the ALPB in 2009 on charges of abuse of office against Governor Cássio Cunha Lima .

In 2010 there was another re-election as member of the PSDB for the ALPB with 19,702 votes. That year he was also appointed director of the Superitendência de Administração do Meio Ambiente da Paraíba (SUDEMA).


Fernandes is married to lawyer Anna Carolina Fernandes and has three children, Ariano Jr., Marianna and Gabriel.

He is the great-nephew of José Fernandes de Lima , a former governor of Paraíba , mayor of Mamanguape and from 1987 to 1988 a member of parliament and president of the Assembléia Legislativa do Estado da Paraíba (ALPB).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. homepage Alpb ( Memento of 22 November 2010 at the Internet Archive )