Arnold Müller (paleontologist)

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Arnold Müller (born August 3, 1949 in Laucha an der Unstrut ) is a German geologist and paleontologist.

Müller already collected as a teenager in the muschelkalk of the Saale-Unstrut area, where he grew up, and participated in palaeontological excavation campaigns in brown coal opencast mines as a pupil and in training to become an electrician. From 1968 he studied geology and palaeontology at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald , where he obtained his diploma in 1973 (Conodont stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian and Lower Carbons in boreholes in the southern Baltic region). He then worked as a geologist in lignite prospecting for the VEB GFE (geological research and exploration) with an office in Leipzig until 1982, most recently in a managerial position as an object geologist. Since he was refused a doctorate for political reasons, he applied for an exit visa in 1981. This resulted in the loss of his job at GFE and he worked as an electrician until he left in 1984. He donated his tertiary collection to the Museum Mauritianum in Altenburg. It was in 1987 at the University of Marburg summa cum laude at Reinhold Huckriede (fauna, paleoecology, taphonomy and stratigraphy of the marine Mitteloligozäns the southern Leipzig Bay (Böhle Santander layers)) graduated and was then to 1993 research assistant at the University of Muenster in Frederick Bush on who worked on fish faunas from the Westphalian chalk (including sharks) and tertiary faunas from the Lower Rhine area, collected them in the USA and qualified as a professor in 1992 (ichthyoid faunas from the Atlantic Tertiary of the USA). Since 1993 he has been curator and professor at the geological-paleontological collection of the University of Leipzig .


  • Invertebrates from the Lower Muschelkalk (Trias, Anise) from Halle / Saale and Laucha / Unstrut (GDR). Part 1: Bivalvia (Myophoriidae, Fimbriidae, Astartidae). In: Geologica et Palaeontologica, 19, 1985, pp. 97-117, 4 plates.
  • Triassic and Lias in Central Germany. Excursion guide. In: Terra Nostra, 1996 (5), pp. 61-107
  • with M. Henniger: An obrution deposit on a fossil seabed in the conglomerate bank f2 (lower shell limestone, middle wave limestone) of Farnstädt on the northwestern edge of the Querfurt Platte. In: Hallesches Jb. Geowiss., B 27, 2005, pp. 13-19, 1 plate.
  • The Saale-Unstrut-Triasland. A geological travel companion, 2 volumes, Writings Museum Mineralogie Geologie, Dresden, 2014, 2015


  • Frank Bach et al. a .: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Arnold Müller on his 65th birthday , Geologica Saxonica, 61, 2015, pp. 3–6

References and comments

  1. Published in: Altenburger Naturwiss. Research 2, 1983 (152 pages)
  2. The Neoselachier of the higher Upper Cretaceous (Campanium des Münsterlandes), Geolog. Paleont. Westphalia, 85, 2014, 1-61
  3. Published in Leipziger Geowiss. 9/10, 1999, 360 pages