Asshole (card game)

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Asshole , also known as bimbo , beggar or negro , is a card game that has been widespread in many Western countries since the 1990s , the aim of which is to be the first to discard your cards in order to become king (or president). The rules vary a lot in their details depending on the region. The game now exists in a number of commercial versions (example: The Great Dalmuti , "career poker ", previously also Hollywood poker ), as freeware for the PC or as an official rule variant of other games (such as Tichu ).

The rules


Any hand is played. If there are more players, you can play with two sets of cards.

Course of the game

At the beginning all cards are distributed as evenly as possible to the players.

In turn, the players play cards. The player who comes out (the first to place a card) may decide whether to place a single card or a multiple (several cards with the same numerical value). A player may always pass or play the same number of cards of a higher value on the previously played cards. Whoever has played the highest value when all other players have passed wins the trick and is allowed to come out again.

As soon as a player runs out of cards, he is rewarded with the highest remaining office. The first player is the king (or president / boss / boss called), the second Viceroy (or Vice President / -Boss / baker, chef ), etc. The last player is asshole , the penultimate Vice asshole etc.

If a player discards his last cards and they are not pierced, it is the privilege of the reigning asshole to play next.

To press

For the next round of the game, the asshole deals all cards again. Now it is “pressed”: In general, the players with lower offices must hand over their highest cards to the players with higher offices, while they receive the lowest cards from their fellow players. So the asshole gives his highest cards (number varies depending on the number of players) to the king, the latter his lowest to the asshole; the same applies to vice-king and vice-asshole etc., whereby in many places as (vice) king you can also choose which cards you want to take from the (vice) asshole. The asshole begins the new round.

Since one player remains with an odd number of players, this player is appointed a pawn , citizen , merchant or, as a technical term, also a medium and either keeps his cards or is allowed to press the remaining cards (because of the odd number of players) (see variants).


A game ends when the penultimate player has gotten rid of his cards and all “offices” from “king” to “asshole” have been distributed.

The loser, "the asshole", shuffles the cards and deals the deck again for the next round.

Card values

Skat cards

The order of the cards varies greatly from region to region. The most common orders are 7 - 8 - 9 - Jack - Queen - King - 10 - Ace ("10 high") and 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - Jack - Queen - King - Ace ("10 deep").

Sheep's head cards

It's the same here as with the Skat cards. The most common order of these cards is 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - U (under) - O (upper) - K (king) - A (ace or sow).

Poker cards

The order here is 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - B - Q - K - A


  • A version with 52 or 55 cards (+ joker) is also known. Also, Asshole can be played with almost any deck of cards, even if the deck is incomplete. The number of cards must be a multiple of the number of players. Before the start of the game, surplus cards must therefore be deliberately removed face-up, face-up at random or face-down at random.
  • Mostly determined in advance and largely determined by the number of players, the asshole doesn't have to give up any aces to the king.
  • The king doesn't necessarily have to give his lowest cards to the asshole, but rather his cards that seem most inappropriate to him.
  • The asshole does not give cards to the king directly, but is asked about them by the king. The king has a certain number of attempts (in the form of questions) or any number of attempts, whereby he can demand cards until he receives a certain number. A combination of these is also possible: The king receives a number of cards for sure. If he has used less than a (larger) number of attempts for this, he still has attempts left. The number of cards taken must be returned.
  • The game can be played with or without a joker. Depending on the type of game, jokers have to be pressed or not. According to some variants, the red joker counts more than the two black ones, and a single joker is enough to override multiples.
  • Anyone who picks up a thrown card or otherwise violates the rules automatically becomes an asshole , so that the last player is only a runner-up asshole .
  • In some regions it is common that if a player plays 4 cards of the same number, the player can call a revolution. Then the order of the cards is exactly the opposite, so 7 is the highest and the ace is the lowest.
  • There is also the variant in which you win every trick with four cards of the same value (usually called a “bomb”). The number of cards previously placed is irrelevant.
  • There is also the variant that you can only outbid aces with a bomb. Here, too, the number of cards previously placed is irrelevant.
  • If you discard an ace as your last card, you automatically become an asshole. This calls for a slightly more strategic approach with a good hand.
  • If you start with 3 aces, you have to announce this, if you start with 4 aces, you have to play with open cards.
  • If a player puts down his last cards and these are not overstitched, the next player to his left leads (“inherit”), a player is determined by chance or the remaining player with the highest office leads.
  • At the beginning of the next round, all players change their seat order according to their offices (everyone rotates around the president, who is allowed to remain seated).
  • Since with an odd number of players there are cards left and a player is neither a winner nor a loser, he can pick up the remaining cards and press the corresponding number of cards he does not like again. This rank is usually called a farmer , citizen or merchant .
  • If there are six players, there is also the variant that the fourth-placed is appointed vice-pawn etc. (also second pawn etc.) and the cards pressed by the third-placed ( pawn , citizen or merchant ) take up the cards again in his hand and the corresponding number unpopular cards can press again.

Similar games

supporting documents

  1. Bimbo at; accessed on November 27, 2017

Web links