Arthur Arno security guard

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Arthur Arno Wachmann (born March 8, 1902 in Hamburg , † July 24, 1990 in Hamburg) was a German astronomer .

Wachmann studied astronomy at the University of Kiel . In 1926 he completed his studies with a dissertation on the proper motion of stars .

From 1927 he worked at the Bergedorf observatory near Hamburg. Together with Arnold Schwassmann , he discovered the periodic comets 29P / Schwassmann-Wachmann , 31P / Schwassmann-Wachmann and 73P / Schwassmann-Wachmann . In 1938 and 1939 he discovered the asteroids (1465) Autonoma , (1501) Baade and (1586) Thiele .

In 1969 Wachmann retired. The asteroid (1704) security guard was named after him.

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