Arthur Schaarschmidt

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Arthur Schaarschmidt

Arthur Schaarschmidt (born October 21, 1879 in Dresden , † February 20, 1959 in Mimberg near Nuremberg) was a German radiology engineer.


Arthur Schaarschmidt was a pioneer in medical radiology . In 1904 he joined the Koch und Sterzel company , his last position as chief engineer. In the course of his work, he has been a guest at conferences and congresses at home and abroad. Like almost all of his colleagues, he died of radiation carcinoma.


Over 70 patents have been granted on its designs:


Radiology memorial with Schaarschmidt's entry

Schaarschmidt is listed in the radiology memorial and in the honor book of radiologists of all nations .


  • Gerhard Küsterer: Life data of deserving personalities in the first decades of radiology , Books on Demand: Norderstedt, 2015, ISBN 978-3-7392-9619-7 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Obituary in Röntgen-Blätter, issue 2/1959, page 126, ISSN  0300-8592