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صور / as-Suwar
As-Suwar (Syria)
Red pog.svg
Coordinates 35 ° 30 ′  N , 40 ° 40 ′  E Coordinates: 35 ° 30 ′  N , 40 ° 40 ′  E
Basic data
Country Syria


Deir ez-Zor
height 224 m
Residents 5279 (2004)

As-Suwar ( Arabic صور Suwar , Armenian Ալ-Սուր ), also written al-Suwar , is a city in the Deir ez-Zor governorate in northeast Syria . In 2004 as-Suwar had 5297 inhabitants.

The city is located on the western bank of the Chabur River , which is the largest Syrian tributary of the Euphrates .


In September 2017, as-Suwar was freed from control by the terrorist Islamic State (ISIS) by associations of the Kurdish- dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) .

Individual evidence

  1. General Census of Population 2004 . Retrieved September 27, 2017.