Ascalenia bifasciella

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Ascalenia bifasciella
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Chrysopeleiidae
Genre : Ascalenia
Type : Ascalenia bifasciella
Scientific name
Ascalenia bifasciella
Chrétien , 1915

Ascalenia bifasciella is a butterfly ( moth ) fromthe Chrysopeleiidae family .


The moths reach a wingspan of 7 to 10 millimeters. The head, thorax and tegulae are dark brownish gray, the scales here have light gray tips. Thorax and tegulae are pale ocher gray in front and dark brownish gray behind. The forewings are dark brownish gray and speckled with light gray scales at the tips. A wide gray-white band is at 1/3 of the forewing length, it does not reach to the costalader and to the inner edge of the wing. Another band runs at 2/3 of the forewing length from the Costa loader to the inner edge of the wing. The fringed scales are brownish gray at the apex and ocher gray towards the inner edge of the wing. The hind wings shine light gray and are more ocher colored at the apex. The fringed scales are pale ocher gray. The abdomen shines dorsally pale gray, ventrally it is brownish gray. In the males, the anal tuft and segments six and seven of the abdomen are dark brownish gray.

In the males, the uncus is very narrow and curved. It widens distally . The valves have a large, rounded basal and a curved caudal part. There is a large, coarse bristle at the base. A single long bristle is found on the outer surface, and two other similar bristles are found on the edge of the distal part. On the inner surface there is a row of short and curved bristles. The aedeagus is long and slender, it tapers distally.

In females, the slit-shaped bulge of the seventh sternite is wide. The fold of the sixth sternite is fairly flat, the rear edge is almost straight and has a small notch in the middle. The ostium is surrounded on the side by two sclerotized and curved rings. Located laterocaudal there are paired small labels with a net-like structure. The ductus bursae is quite long and has a few turns. The sclerotized longitudinal ligament is narrow, it widens in the direction of the corpus bursae . This is egg-shaped and has two large, funnel-shaped signs.


Ascalenia bifasciella is common in North Africa.


The biology of the species is unknown. Butterflies were caught from April to June.


The type of Elachista bizonatella was recently found in the Natural History Museum in London . Although the specimen lacks the abdomen, it is conspecific with Ascalenia bifasciella because of the conspicuous whitish bands on the forewings .

  • Elachista bizonatella Turati , 1930

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f J. C. Koster, S. Yu. Sinev: Momphidae, Batrachedridae, Stathmopodidae, Agonoxenidae, Cosmopterigidae, Chrysopeleiidae . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 5 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2003, ISBN 87-88757-66-8 , pp. 182 (English).