Ash Wednesday the artist

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The Ash Wednesday, the artist is one of the Catholic writer and diplomat Paul Claudel after the Second World War in Paris established event in the Roman Catholic Church , the artists and their pastors. It takes place annually at the beginning of Lent in over 100 cities. After the liturgy of Ash Wednesday , which is sometimes ecumenically celebrated, there is usually an artistic academy. In some places, on this occasion, collections are also made for artists in need.


On this date, Claudel's first artist Ash Wednesday was preceded by a meeting of French artists for a retreat , which was convened in 1914 by the French caricaturist and theater painter Adolphe Willette . After Willette's death in 1926, a requiem for all deceased artists was celebrated in the parish church of Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois in Paris that same year .

Josef Cardinal Frings took up the idea of ​​such an event in 1950 for the Archdiocese of Cologne . Shortly afterwards, the artists' Ash Wednesday was celebrated for the first time in Munich . The annual service is also broadcast there on Bavarian television .
