Asellius Aemilianus

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Asellius Aemilianus († 193 at Kyzikos ) was a Roman senator and governor of the province of Asia . In the second year of the four emperors in 193 he supported Pescennius Niger .

Little is known about the beginning of his career; it can be assumed that he held the lower offices of the cursus honorum . Under Marcus Aurelius he was governor in Thrace between 176 and 180 . He was a suffect consul in about 177 . Nothing is known about the next decade of his work; it is possible that he first had to come to terms with Mark Aurel's son and successor, Commodus . 188 he is proven as governor of Syria , an important border province in which two legions were stationed, the legio III Gallica and the legio IIII Scythica . In 192/193 he was the proconsul responsible for the administration of the province of Asia in western Asia Minor.

There he got caught between the fronts of the civil war that broke out after the death of Emperor Pertinax . Asellius initially tried to remain neutral in the conflict between his relative Clodius Albinus , Septimius Severus, and his successor as governor of Syria, Pescennius Niger. However, when Severus gained control of the capital Rome and turned east, Asellius had to choose one side. He took the side of Pescennius Niger, who sent him with an army of legionaries and volunteers to Kyzikos on the south bank of the Marmara Sea . Asellius could not prevent Severus' troops from landing there. He was killed while fleeing the battlefield.



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