Asterius from Amaseia

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Asterius von Amaseia (* before the middle of the 4th century; † in old age before 431 AD) worked from 380/390 AD to the beginning of the 5th century. He was in the succession of Eulalios Christian bishop in Amaseia , the capital of Hellenopontos . Asterius, who was an eminent pulpit speaker, wrote enkomia on martyrs and homilies . In his sermons he taught that property is God's property and that man has social obligations. He stood up for the weak, barbarians, slaves and women. His teaching is influenced by both the Platonic and the Cynical - Stoic philosophy. Some of his sermons are preserved in Photios ' library .

He was canonized at the 7th Ecumenical Synod in Nicaea in 787 AD.


  • Jacques Paul Migne : Pathrologia Graeca , Volume 40, 1863, pp. 155-480 (not all homilies assigned correctly).
  • C. Datema (Ed.): Asterius of Amasea. Homilies I-XIV. Text, introduction and notes . Leiden 1970.
  • The homilies of Asterius . Published by JG v. Engelhardt. 3 volumes, 1830, 1832, 1833.



  1. Hans Förster: The beginnings of Christmas and Epiphany: an inquiry to the origins hypotheses , Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2007, ISBN 3161493990 , ISBN 9783161493997
  2. ^ Photios, Libraries 271.