Asterophrys turpicola

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Asterophrys turpicola
Asterophrys turpicola from the Iconographica Zoologica

Asterophrys turpicola from the Iconographica Zoologica

Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Narrow-mouth frogs (Microhylidae)
Subfamily : Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae)
Genre : Asterophrys
Type : Asterophrys turpicola
Scientific name
Asterophrys turpicola
( Schlegel , 1837)
Distribution area of Asterophrys turpicola in New Guinea and Yapen (situation in 2009)

Asterophrys turpicola is a frog of the family -mouthed (Microhylidae). It belongs to the subfamily of the Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae).


Asterophrys turpicola is one of the larger narrow-mouthed frogs, it reaches a head-trunk length of up to 65 millimeters. The color is olive-brown, with black and dark brown spots and shades.

The head is very broad. The frog has a very large mouth that it can open very wide to scare off enemies. His blue tongue becomes visible. Thorn-like growths rise above the eyes. Smaller growths are below the mouth. The entire surface of the skin is covered with smaller and larger warts, so it looks like a toad. The finger and toe discs are enlarged.


Asterophrys turpicola occurs mainly in New Guinea , both in the Indonesian part of the island and in the western part of Papua New Guinea . In addition, the frog was also found on the Indonesian island of Yapen .

Asterophrys turpicola lives in the lowlands and on mountain slopes up to heights of 1000 meters. The frog inhabits the ground and lives in the litter and fallen leaves of the rainforests. It has also been found in less natural forests through to plantations and gardens.

Way of life

Asterophrys turpicola probably develops directly in the egg, like all species of the Papuan narrow-mouth frog, without the tadpole stage in the water. The eggs may be laid in burrows for protection. The breeding behavior has not yet been sufficiently researched.


  • Hermann Schlegel : Illustrations of new or incompletely known amphibians, designed from nature or life, published and accompanied by an explanatory text. Part 1. Arnz & Co., Düsseldorf 1837 (first description)

supporting documents

Web links

Commons : Asterophrys turpicola  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Darrel R. Frost: Asterophrys turpicola , Amphibian Species of the World, an Online Reference, Version 6.0, American Museum of Natural History, New York 1998-2017, accessed December 7, 2017