Astraeus sirindhorniae

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Astraeus sirindhorniae
Astraeus sirindhorniae (bar length 25 mm)

Astraeus sirindhorniae (bar length 25 mm)

Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Boletales (Boletales)
Subordination : Sclerodermatineae
Family : Potato bovist relatives (Sclerodermataceae)
Genre : Weather stars ( Astraeus )
Type : Astraeus sirindhorniae
Scientific name
Astraeus sirindhorniae
Watling , Phosri , Sihanonth , AWWilson & MPMartín

Astraeus sirindhorniae is a fungal art from the family of Sclerodermataceae .


Macroscopic features

Astraeus sirindhorniae forms 24.5–55 mm large, spherical to ellipsoidal fruiting bodies , the exopperidia of which rips open in a star shape in 6–8 lobes when ripe. Within the exoperidia is a pale, thin, stalked endoperidia, which includes the powdery, initially purple to chestnut brown, later date to earth brown gleba . After tearing open, the entire fruiting body is 40–100 mm in size. The exoperidia is then yellow to tobacco brown and scaly and consists of at least three distinguishable layers.

Microscopic features

The 1050–1100 µm thick subpellis of the exoperdie has a pseudoparenchymatic structure, that is, a sham tissue is formed from thick-walled, parallel to arched hyphae . There are no buckles . The endoperidia consists of brownish, interwoven, unbranched and unseptate hyphae, which also have no buckles. The scalp consists of long, interwoven, hyaline , unseptated fibers. The earth-brown to date-brown spores are spherical, (5.2) -6–11 µm in diameter and ornamented with narrow, rounded cusps tapering at the tip, which can flow into one another in groups.

Ecology and occurrence

Astraeus sirindhorniae is found in arid, deciduous forests with tree species such as Dipterocarpus tuberculatus , Shorea obtusa, and Shorea siamensis . It was found sociable during the rainy season, mostly half buried in Ultisolen . Very little is known about the ecology. Since many representatives of Kartoffelbovistverwandten a mycorrhizal received with many tree species, and dipterocarpus ( Dipterocarpus ) are known as Baumpartner forms Astraeus sirindhorniae probably also a mycorrhizal out. More detailed research is still pending. The species is so far (as of 2014) only known from northern and northeastern Thailand.


Astraeus sirindhorniae was first described in 2014 by Roy Watling , Cherdchai Phosri , Prakitsin Sihanonth , Andrew W. Wilson & María P. Martín . He belongs to the genus of weather stars to the family Kartoffelbovistverwandten (Sclerodermataceae) within the order of Dickröhrlingsartigen count (Boletales). However, some authors include them in the Diplocystaceae family .


Astraeus sirindhorniae was named in honor of the Thai princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn .


  • C. Phosri, R. Watling, N. Suwannasai, A. Wilson, MP Martín: A new representative of star-shaped fungi: 'Astraeus sirindhorniae' sp. nov. from Thailand. In: PLoS ONE. 9 (5), 2014, p. E71160. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0071160

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f C. Phosri, R. Watling, N. Suwannasai, A. Wilson, MP Martín: A new representative of star-shaped fungi: Astraeus sirindhorniae sp. nov. from Thailand . In: PLoS ONE . tape 9 , 2014, p. e71160 , doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0071160 .
  2. Mycobank: Astraeus sirindhorniae . Retrieved November 2, 2016 .

Web links

Commons : Astraeus sirindhorniae  - Collection of images, videos and audio files