Thick tubule-like
Thick tubule-like | ||||||||||||
![]() King bolete ( Butyroboletus regius ) |
Systematics | ||||||||||||
Scientific name | ||||||||||||
Boletales | ||||||||||||
E.-J. Gilbert |
Boletales (Boletales) are an order of the stand mushrooms from the kingdom of fungi . The type species of the order Boletales is the common boletus ( Boletus edulis ) as the type species of the genus Boletus naming the order (boletus or thick boletus ). Most tube mushrooms belong to the thick tube relatives family .
With a few exceptions, the order of the Boletales is defined anatomically by the ontogeny and structure of the rhizomorphs and chemotaxonomically by special ingredients, for example pulvic acid derivatives.
The typical Boletales rhizomorphs are formed by a long precursor hypha , which branches far behind the tip of the hypha, forming a backward-running hypha, which immediately branches again and runs forward again. This double branching is the basis for the later knot formation of the rhizomorphs at this point, on which these branches themselves. The rhizomorphs differentiate in the further course of the ontogeny by forming broad vessel hyphae inside for the transport of water and matter. The septa of the hyphae dissolve completely or largely, so that long tubes are formed in this way. Almost all boletales form this highly specialized type of rhizomorph.
Exceptions are only here Schmierling relatives (Gomphidiaceae), the wood Kremp Ling relatives (Tapinellaceae) and the Truncocolumellaceae , indicating a basal position within the order of Bolelates. In the case of the wood crumb relatives, the basal position has also been genetically confirmed, which means that, as plesiomorphic characteristics, they still show little differentiated rhizomorphs. The genus of the yellow feet ( Chroogomphus ) does not form any rhizomorphs, which is unique within the Boletales. The genus of the muttlings ( Gomphidius ) and the genus Truncocolumella in turn both form only primitive, undifferentiated rhizomorphs. In the brittle relatives and the Truncocolumellaceae, however, a basal position within the Boletales cannot be genetically traced, since the three genera are in the derived subordination of the Suillineae. It is not yet possible to answer whether the highly developed rhizomorphs of the Boletales type were secondarily reduced here or whether this rhizomorph type was formed independently more than once in the order of the Boletales.
It is also not possible to unambiguously characterize the order of the thick tubule-like using the ingredients, since the genus Omphalotus ( mushroom-like , family Omphalotaceae ) is also formed for the thick tubule-like typical pulvic acid derivatives , but is related very far from the thick tubule-like.
The types of fruiting bodies within the thick tubule-like are very diverse. Most species form boletoid , i.e. tube-bearing fruiting bodies with a removable fruit layer. But there are also blade-bearing (eg. Species in the families of Dickröhrlingsverwandten phylloporus , genus Phylloporus ), the Schmierling relatives (genres of Schmierling and yellow feet), the family of Hygrophoropsidaceae (genus hygrophoropsis - Hygrophoropsis ) that Kremp Ling relatives ( Kremp Linge , genus Paxillus ), the dry rot relatives (genus Austropaxillus ) and the wood curling relatives (genus wood curling - Tapinella - here both centrally and eccentrically stalked to sidewalk or sessile). Porling-like fruiting bodies form the genus Bodarcevomyces within the Holzkremplingsverwandten. Merulioid fruiting bodies (with wrinkled hymenophore) are known from the wood crumb relatives (genus Pseudomerulius ), the dry rot relatives (Serpulaceae, genus house sponges , Serpula ) and the Hygrophoropsidaceae (e.g. genus Leucogyrophana ). Smooth, corticioid (similar to the cortex mushrooms , Corticiaceae) fruiting bodies occur, for example, in cellar sponge relatives (Coniophoraceae, genus of cellar sponges , Coniophora ). There are also many forms of gasteromycetoid (belly fungus-like) types of fruiting bodies - especially within the Sclerodematineae: earth star-like fruiting bodies in the genus Astraeus , bovist-like fruiting bodies e.g. B. in the potato bovists (genus Scleroderma ) or the genus Calostoma , complex chambered, stubber-like fruiting bodies in the genus of pea litter ( Pisolithus ) and truffle-like fruiting bodies, for example in the families of the Kremplingsrelatives (Paxillaceae, genera Alpovaiz , Melanogaster ), the root truffle Genus of the root truffle - Rhizopogon ) and the Truncocolumellaceae (genus Truncocolumella).
- Diversity of Boletales fruiting bodies
greasy tubule-like
granular tubule
Suillus granulatusflat and wrinkled,
wild dry
rot Serpula himantioidesAgaric
False Chanterelle
Hygrophoropsis aurantiacaAgaric-like
alder curling
Paxillus rubicundulusBlack-and-
brown hard
bovine Scleroderma verrucosumbovist-like
common pea
sprinkle Pisolithus arrhizusearth star-like
common weather star
Astraeus hygrometricustruffle-like
Douglas fir root
truffle Rhizopogon villosulus
With regard to the basic structure in the form of subordinates, the following incomplete system is largely based on the phylogeny of the Boletales presented by Hibbet and Binder in 2006. Supplements or deviations from this, as well as taxa that are not included there, are each referenced individually.
Order : Boletales
Suborder Boletineae
Family : boletaceae (Boletaceae)
- Genus: Afroboletus
- Genus: Alessioporus
- Genus: Goldporröhrlinge ( Aureoboletus )
- Genus: Australopilus
- Genus: Austroboletus
- Genus: Baorangia
- Genus: Boletellus
- Genus: Boletus ( Boletus )
- Genus: Boothia
- Genus: Bothia
- Genus: Borofutus
- Genus: Buchwaldoboletus
- Genus: Butyroboletus
- Genus: dwarf boletus ( Chalciporus )
- Genus: Caloboletus
- Genus: Castellanea
- Genus: Chiua
- Genus: Costatisporus
- Genus: Crocinoboletus
- Genus: Cupreoboletus
- Genus: Cyanoboletus
- Genus: Durianella
- Genus: Exudoporus
- Genus: Fistulinella
- Type : Gymnogaster
- Genus: Harrya
- Genus: Heimioporus
- Type : Heliogaster
- Genus: Hemileccinum
- Genus: Hortiboletus
- Genus: Hourangia
- Genus: Hymenoboletus
- Genus: Imleria
- Genus: Imperator
- Genus: Jimtrappea
- Genus: Lanmaoa
- Genus: Raufussröhrlinge ( Leccinum )
- Genus: Mackintoshia
- Genus: Mucilopilus
- Genus: Mycoamaranthus
- Genus: Neoboletus
- Genus: Octaviania
- Genus: Parvixerocomus
- Genus: Phylloboletellus
- Genus: Parrot ( Phylloporus )
- Genus: porphyry Suillus ( Porphyrellus )
- Genus: Pseudoaustroboletus
- Genus: Parasitic boletus ( Pseudoboletus )
- Genus: Pulchroboletus
- Genus: Pulveroboletus
- Genus: Retiboletus
- Genus: Rheubarbariboletus
- Genus: Rossbeavera
- Genus: Royoungia
- Genus: Rubroboletus
- Genus: Rugiboletus
- Genus: Kurzsporröhrlinge ( Rubinoboletus )
- Genus: Solioccasus
- Genus: Spongiforma
- Genus: Strubbelkopfröhrlinge ( Strobilomyces )
- Genus: Suillellus
- Genus: Sutorius
- Genus: Tylocinum
- Genus: Gall bile ( Tylopilus )
- Genus: Veloporphyrellus
- Genus: Red-footed boletus ( Xerocomellus )
- Genus: Filzröhrlinge ( Xerocomus )
- Genus: Zangia
- incertae sedis : genus Hydnomerulius
Family : boletaceae (Boletaceae)
Suborder Coniophorineae
Family : relatives of brown spindles (Coniophoraceae)
- Genus: Cellar sponges ( Coniophora ), z. B. Brown cellar sponge
Family : relatives of brown spindles (Coniophoraceae)
Suborder Paxillineae
Family : Kremplingsverwandte (Paxillaceae)
- Genus: Alpova
- Genus: Brood ( Gyrodon )
- Genus: mucus truffles ( Melanogaster )
- Genus: Paragyrodon
- Genus: Kremplinge ( Paxillus )
Family : Kremplingsverwandte (Paxillaceae)
Subordination Sclerodermatineae
Family : Boletinellaceae
- Genus: Boletinellus
- Genus: Phlebopus
Family : Pyroporaceae relatives (Gyroporaceae)
- Genus: Blassporröhrlinge ( Gyroporus )
Family : Calostomataceae
- Genus: Calostoma
Family : Diplocystaceae
- Genus: Weather stars ( Astraeus )
- Genus: Diplocystis
- Type: Tremellogaster
Family : Potato bovine relatives (Sclerodermataceae)
- Genus: Pea sprinkles ( Pisolithus )
- Genus: Potato Boviste ( Scleroderma )
- incertae sedis:
- Genus: Chlorogaster
Family : Boletinellaceae
Suborder Suillineae
Family : relatives (Gomphidiaceae)
- Genus: Yellow feet ( Chroogomphus )
- Genus: Butterflies ( Gomphidius )
Family : root truffle Related (Rhizopogonaceae)
- Genus: root truffle ( Rhizopogon )
Family : Briar relatives (Suillaceae)
- Genus: Suillus ( Suillus )
Family : Truncocolumellaceae
- Genus: Truncocolumella
Family : relatives (Gomphidiaceae)
Suborder Tapinellineae
Family : Holzkremplingsverwandte (Tapinellaceae)
- Genus: Bondarcevomyces
- Genus: Pseudomerulius
- Genus: Wooden crimps ( Tapinella )
Family : Holzkremplingsverwandte (Tapinellaceae)
incertae sedis
Family : after-glory relatives (Hygrophoropsidaceae)
- Genus: Anal glutinous ( Hygrophoropsis )
- Genus: Leucogyropghana
- Family: Serpulaceae
- Genus house sponges ( Serpula )
- Genus Austropaxillus
Family : after-glory relatives (Hygrophoropsidaceae)
- Paul M. Kirk, Paul F. Cannon, David W. Minter, JA Stalpers: Dictionary of the Fungi . 10th ed. CABI Europe, Wallingford, Oxfordshire (UK) 2008, ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8 (784 pages).
Individual evidence
- ↑ Boletus. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
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- ↑ a b c d e f g Reinhard Agerer, Paraskevi Iosifidou: Rhizomorph structures of Hymenomycetes: A possibility to test DNA-based phylogenetic hypotheses? In: Reinhard Agerer, Meike Piepenbring, Paul Blanz (eds.): Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology . IHW-Verlag, Eching 2004, ISBN 3-930167-57-3 , p. 279-302 .
- ↑ January Velíšek, Karel Cejpek: Pigments of Higher Fungi: A Review . In: Czech J. Food Sci. tape 29 , no. 2 , 2011, p. 87-102 ( [PDF]).
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- ↑ a b c Manfred Binder, David S. Hibbett: Molecular systematics and biological diversification of Boletales . In: Mycologia . tape 98 , no. 6 , 2006, p. 971-981 .
- ^ Karl-Henrik Larsson: Re-thinking the classification of corticioid fungi . In: Mycological Research . tape 111 , no. 9 , September 2007, p. 1040-1063 , doi : 10.1016 / j.mycres.2007.08.001 .
- ^ Andreas Bresinsky, Helmut Besl: To the family connection of Omphalotus . In: Supplements to Sydowia . tape 8 , 1979, pp. 98-109 .
- ↑ Jadson JS Oliveira, Ruby Vargas-Isla, Tiara S. Cabral, Doriane P. Rodrigues, Noemia K. Ishikawa: Progress on the phylogeny of the Omphalotaceae: Gymnopus s. str., Marasmiellus s. str., Paragymnopus gen. nov. and Pusillomyces gen. nov. In: Mycological Progress . tape 18 , no. 5 , May 2019, ISSN 1617-416X , p. 713-739 , doi : 10.1007 / s11557-019-01483-5 .
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Gang Wu, Yan-Chun Li, Xue-Tai Zhu, Kuan Zhao, Li-Hong Han: One hundred noteworthy boletes from China . In: Fungal Diversity . tape 81 , no. 1 , November 2016, ISSN 1560-2745 , p. 25-188 , doi : 10.1007 / s13225-016-0375-8 .
- ↑ Maria Alice Neves, Manfred Binder, Roy Halling, David Hibbett, Kasem Soytong: The phylogeny of selected Phylloporus species, inferred from NUC-LSU and ITS sequences, and descriptions of new species from the Old World . In: Fungal Diversity . tape 55 , no. 1 , July 2012, ISSN 1560-2745 , p. 109-123 , doi : 10.1007 / s13225-012-0154-0 .
- ^ A b Orson K. Miller: The Gomphidiaceae revisited: a worldwide perspective . In: Mycologia . tape 95 , no. 1 , January 2003, ISSN 0027-5514 , p. 176-183 , doi : 10.1080 / 15572536.2004.11833147 .
- ^ Geoffrey Kibby: The Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca complex . In: Field Mycology . tape 13 , no. 2 , 2012, p. 43-50 .
- ↑ Patricia Jargeat, Jean-Paul Chaumeton, Olivier Navaud, Alfredo Vizzini, Hervé Gryta: The Paxillus involutus (Boletales, Paxillaceae) complex in Europe: Genetic diversity and morphological description of the new species Paxillus cuprinus, typification of P. involutus ss, and synthesis of species boundaries . In: Fungal Biology . tape 118 , no. 1 , January 2014, p. 12–31 , doi : 10.1016 / j.funbio.2013.10.008 .
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- ↑ Db Baldoni: Brown rotting fungus closely related to Pseudomerulius curtisii (Boletales) recorded for the first time in South America. In: Mycosphere . tape 3 , no. 5 , September 8, 2012, p. 533-541 , doi : 10.5943 / mycosphere / 3/5/1 ( [PDF]).
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- ^ Serpula himantioides. Retrieved May 16, 2020 .
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- ↑ Katerina Rusevska, Mitko Karadelev, Cherdchai Phosri, Margarita Dueñas, M. Teresa Telleria: DNA barcoding is an effective tool for differentiating Pisolithus species from Macedonia . In: Mycotaxon . tape 130 , no. 4 , January 11, 2016, p. 1007-1016 , doi : 10.5248 / 130.1007 .
- ↑ a b Pierre-Arthur Moreau, Stéphane Welti, Branislav Perić, Patricia Jargeat, Sophie Manzi: Alpova komoviana (Boletales, Paxillaceae), a new sequestrate fungus from Montenegro, with a revised phylogeny of the genus in Europe . In: Mycological Progress . tape 12 , no. 1 , February 2013, ISSN 1617-416X , p. 109-119 , doi : 10.1007 / s11557-012-0818-x .
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- ^ María Paz Martín: The Genus Rhizopogon in Europe . In: Edicions espaecials de la Societat Catalana de Micologia . tape 5 . Barcelona 1996, ISBN 84-921617-0-1 , pp. 1-173 .
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- ^ A b Roy E. Halling, Timothy J. Baroni, Manfred Binder: A new genus of Boletaceae from eastern North America . In: Mycologia . tape 99 , no. 2 , 2007, p. 310-316 .
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- ↑ a b Matteo Gelardi, Claudio Angelini, Federica Costanzo, Francesco Dovana, Beatriz Ortiz-Santana: neoboletus antillanus sp. nov. (Boletaceae), first report of a red-pored bolete from the Dominican Republic and insights on the genus Neoboletus . In: MycoKeys . tape 49 , March 29, 2019, ISSN 1314-4049 , p. 73-97 , doi : 10.3897 / mycokeys.49.33185 , PMID 31043853 ( ).
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- ^ Karl-Henrik Larsson: Re-thinking the classification of corticioid fungi . In: Mycological Research . tape 111 , no. 9 , September 2007, p. 1040-1063 , doi : 10.1016 / j.mycres.2007.08.001 .