Wooden collars

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Wooden collars
Mussel woodkrempling (Tapinella panuoides)

Mussel woodkrempling ( Tapinella panuoides )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Boletales (Boletales)
Subordination : Suillineae
Family : Holzkremplingsverrelatives (Tapinellaceae)
Genre : Wooden collars
Scientific name

The wood kremplings ( Tapinella ) are a genus of mushrooms from the family of wood kremplings related . They were previously assigned to the real Kremplings ( Paxillus ) from the Kremplingsverwandten family .

The type species is the mussel wood krempling ( Tapinella panuoides ).


Macroscopic features

The fruiting bodies are externally very similar to the real Kremplingen. The brim of the hat is rolled up in a typical way, the lamellas run down the handle .

Microscopic features

Anatomically and morphologically they differ very clearly from the real Kremplingen. Thus, the slats is trama at Tapinella constructed bi-directionally and not embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Double buckles can occur, which the real Kremplingen lack. While real Kremplings have a caulohymenium, this was missing from the wooden Kremplings. In contrast to those of the real Kremplinge, the rhizomorphs have a much simpler structure. In addition, they develop so-called chlamydospores in culture , which are particularly thick-walled, asexual spores .


In contrast to the mycorrhiza- forming Paxillus species, the representatives of the genus Tapinella feed saprobically on dead wood and produce brown rot in the process.


The fruiting bodies of the velvet foot Kremplings ( Tapinella atrotomentosa ) are characterized by brown velvety stems.

The Holzkremplinge form only a species poor in species with four species worldwide, of which the following taxa occur in Europe .

German name Scientific name Author quote
Velvet foot wood crimping Tapinella atrotomentosa (Batsch 1783: Fries 1821) Šutara 1992
Shell wood crimping Tapinella panuoides (Fries 1818: Fries 1821) E.-J. Gilbert 1931
Tapinella panuoides var.  Ionipus (Quélet 1888) C. Hahn 1999
Tapinella panuoides fm. acheruntia (Humboldt 1893) C. Hahn 2012
Colorful velvet foot wood crimping Tapinella polychroa (Singer 1937) C. Hahn 2012


The genus Tapinella was first established in 1931 by Edouard-Jean Gilbert. For a long time it was considered a synonym for the real Kremplinge ( Paxillus ), which are in the order of the Boletales. It was not until 1992 that the Czech mycologist Josef Šutara took up the generic name again. Investigations of the morphology, the constituents and genetic findings showed that the wooden curls belong to the Boletales, but are very basal and not closely related to Paxillus . Accordingly, the similar fruiting bodies have developed convergently .


Individual evidence

  1. a b Andreas Gminder : Manual for mushroom collectors . Franckh – Kosmos, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-440-11472-8 , p.  92 .
  2. ^ A b Edouard-Jean Gilbert: Tom. III: Les Bolets . In: Les Livres du Mycologue Tome I-IV . 1931, p. 1-254 .
  3. a b c d e f g Christoph Hahn, Reinhard Agerer: Studies on the systematics of the Paxillaceae . In: Sendtnera . tape 6 , 1999, ISSN  0944-0178 , p. 115–133 ( online at Archive.org - communications from the State Botanical Collection and the Institute for Systematic Botany at the University of Munich).
  4. ^ A b Josef Šutara: The genera Paxillus and Tapinella in Central Europe . In: Ceská Mykologia . tape 45 , 1992, pp. 50-56 .
  5. Thomas Nilsson, James Ginns : Cellulolytic activity and the taxonomic position of selected brown-rot fungi . In: Mycologia . tape 71 , 1979, pp. 170-177 .
  6. ^ MycoBank: The genus Tapinella. Retrieved March 31, 2020 (mushroom taxa database).
  7. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Tapinella. September 26, 2006, accessed May 4, 2011 (mushroom taxa database).
  8. ^ MC Gaylord, LR Brady: Comparison of Pigments in Carpophores and Saprophytic Cultures of Paxillus panuoides and Paxillus atrotomentosus . In: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences . tape 60 , no. 10 , 1971, p. 1503-1508 .
  9. Manfred Binder, David S. Hibbett: Molecular systematics and biological diversification of Boletales . In: Mycologia . tape 98 , no. 6 , November 2006, ISSN  0027-5514 , p. 971-981 , doi : 10.1080 / 15572536.2006.11832626 ( tandfonline.com [accessed March 30, 2020]).

Web links

Commons : Holzkremplinge ( Tapinella )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files