Root truffle relatives

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Root truffle relatives
Rhizopogon rubescens

Rhizopogon rubescens

Department : Stand mushrooms (Basidiomycota)
Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Boletales (Boletales)
Family : Root truffle relatives
Scientific name
Gäum. & CWDodge (1928)

The root truffle relatives (Rhizopogonaceae) are a family of fungi in the order of Dickröhrlingsartigen (Boletales).


The fruiting body of the root truffle relatives is irregular or "potato-like" and often provided with rhizomorphs . The peridium is thick, well developed and not divided. The gleba is cave-like, partly gelatinized, and divided into small, irregularly arranged chambers; it is initially empty, but later more or less filled with spores. The hyphae system is monomitic , with thin to slightly thick-walled generative hyphae . Clamp connections are usually not present, nor is a columella, a sterile, more or less columnar structure that protrudes into the gleba from below. The basidiospores are not clearly separated, orthotropic (standing vertically from the basidia), small to medium-sized, sausage-shaped, cylindrical or broadly oval, subhyaline (almost translucent), pale yellow to pale brown, inamyloid and not dextrinoid. The wall is soft and slightly thickened. There is no conspicuous myxosporium . The stalk process is very short. The basidia are cylindrical-club-shaped to bottle-shaped, often collapsing or dissolving, occupied with a variable number of sterigmata and mostly four-, six- or eight-pore. Cystidia are absent. The hymenophoric trama are narrow, regularly shaped and partially gelatinized or designed completely differently. The cuticle of the peridia is formed by creeping, narrow hyphae.

The species of the root truffle relatives live underground, but often break up the ground when they are mature. They form ectomycorrhizae with forest trees, usually conifers .


The representatives of the family Rhizopogonaceae are distributed worldwide.


The family Rhizopogonaceae was listed by botanists Ernst Albert Gäumann and Carroll William Dodge in Comparative Morphology of Fungi in 1928 on page 468. Type genus is Rhizopogon Fr. 1817.

The family Rhizopogonaceae contains only two genera with about 151 species:

The genus Fevansia , formerly assigned to the family Rhizopogonaceae, was assigned to the family of Albatrellaceae in 2013 due to phylogenetic studies .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul F. Cannon, PM Kirk: Fungal Families of the World . CABI, Wallingford 2007, ISBN 0-85199-827-5 , pp. 313-14.
  2. ^ A b D. N. Pegler, BM Spooner, TWK Young: British truffles. A revision of British hypogeous fungi 1993, pp. 1-216.
  3. ^ A b E. A. Gäumann, CW Dodge: Comparative Morphology of Fungi . McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York 1928, p. 468, (Retrieved March 23, 2010).
  4. ^ Paul M. Kirk, PF Cannon, DW Minter, JA Stalpers: Dictionary of the Fungi , 10th edition, CAB International, Wallingford, UK 2008, ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8 .
  5. ^ ME Smith, KJ Schell, MA Castellano, MJ Trappe, JM Trappe: The enigmatic truffle Fevansia aurantiaca is an ectomycorrhizal member of the Albatrellus lineage . In: Mycorrhiza . 23, 2013, pp. 663-8. doi : 10.1007 / s00572-013-0502-2 .