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Astrapaios ( ancient Greek Ἀστραπαῖος , "Lightning Bringer") is an epiclesis of the Greek god Zeus .

In Delphi , the Athens festival of Pythaïs in honor of the god Apollo was held at irregular intervals . In order to determine the time for the festival, the priests responsible for this met on three consecutive days for three consecutive months at an altar of fire of Zeus Astrapaios, who was on the ridge of Mount Parnassus called Harma . The sign expected from Zeus Astrapaios was lightning; if no lightning was sighted in those days, the Pythaïs did not take place.

A festival lasting several days is known from inscriptions, which was celebrated in Antandros in honor of Zeus Astropaios .



  1. ^ Strabo 9, 2, 11.
  2. Ludwig Deubner : Attic festivals . Keller, Berlin 1932, p. 203.
  3. Cf. Martin Persson Nilsson : Greek festivals of religious importance excluding the Attic . Teubner, Leipzig 1906, p. 5.