Asunafo South District

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Asunafo South District
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Ahafo region
Capital Kukuom
District shape common
District Chief Executive George Y. Boakye
surface 1019 km²

The Asunafo South District is a district in Ghana . It is located in the center of Ghana in the Ahafo region and was only created by decree of President John Agyekum Kufuor in 2004 from the Asunafo District , one of the oldest districts in Ghana from the time of the Gold Coast colony.

The Asunafo North District borders in the north on the districts Asunafo North and Asutifi South in the Ahafo Region, in the southwest on Sefwi-Wiawso and Juabeso in the Western North Region and in the east on Offinso District in the Ashanti Region . Chief executive over the 1,019 km² district is George Y. Boakye , based in the district capital Kukuom .


A constituency of the same name was set up in the Asunafo North district. In the constituency, Eric Opoku won a seat in the Ghanaian parliament for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) party in the 2004 general election.

Important localities

See also

Web links