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Tarifa municipality: Atlanterra
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Atlanterra (Spain)
Finland road sign 311 (1994-2020) .svg
Basic data
Autonomous Community : Andalusia
Province : Cadiz
Comarca : Campo de Gibraltar
Coordinates 36 ° 6 ′  N , 5 ° 49 ′  W Coordinates: 36 ° 6 ′  N , 5 ° 49 ′  W
Residents : 179 (2011) INE
Area code: 11035002100

Atlanterra is a place in southern Spain in the province of Cádiz on the Costa de la Luz . It belongs to the municipality of Tarifa and is located near the old fishing town of Zahara de los Atunes . The place consists almost exclusively of holiday apartments in the northern part and a villa area in the southern part. The holiday apartments have been built mainly since around 2000, the beginnings of the villa area in the 1960s .

Atlanterra is located on two beaches, the more northerly Bahía de la Plata bay (silver bay , approx. 4 km long), which is shared with Zahara de los Atunes, and the southern and lonely bay Playa de los Alemanes (beach of the Germans , about 1.2 km long). These beaches are counted among the most beautiful in Spain because they are lonely - especially outside the main season - the water is very clear and the sand is fine and yellowish. There are no bars and restaurants at Playa de los Alemanes, but the Bahia de la Plata has a better infrastructure and is more popular.

Atlanterra lies - on the Atlantic side - quite close to the narrowest part of the Strait of Gibraltar ; here the western Costa de la Luz becomes the eastern Costa del Sol , so the African coast is usually easy to see. An old bunker in the rock between the two beaches testifies to the good visibility at this point, as ships can only pass the Strait of Gibraltar unseen here in bad weather.

Directly south of Atlanterra's headland with its lighthouse and Alemanes Bay is the bay where the ancient ruined city ​​of Baelo Claudia can be found. However, there are only agricultural and hiking trails over the ridge, but no continuous coastal road - a characteristic why it is so quiet in Atlanterra. To get to neighboring bays, you first have to drive approx. 10 to 15 km inland, then on the main road in the hinterland at least 10 km north or south, then in a neighboring bay again 10 to 15 km to the sea. The southern part of the villa has some very large plots of around 2,500 m². A real estate development company based in Switzerland is looking for wealthy customers, some with seven-figure purchasing power, for the Atlanterra settlement. v. a. with the argument that - contrary to many other areas of Andalusia - the water supply here is secured from its own means.

On the beaches there is usually a steady sea ​​breeze that is inviting for windsurfing . This is also used by the wind farms in the hinterland, the largest of which with more than 3,000 wind generators is located at the entrance to Zahara and Atlanterra.

Playa de los Alemanes

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