Attilio Bertolucci

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Attilio Bertolucci (born November 18, 1911 in San Lazaro, today a district of Parma , † June 14, 2000 in Rome ) was an Italian poet, literary critic and translator.


In 1931 Bertolucci began to study law at the University of Bologna , but soon devoted himself to studying art history . He then worked as a teacher of art history at various schools in Parma. In 1939 he married Ninetta Giovanardi and had two sons with her, the later directors Bernardo (1940–2018) and Giuseppe Bertolucci (1947–2012). During the war , from 1943 to 1944, he and his family withdrew to the remote mountains of the Apennines .

In 1951 Bertolucci went to Rome with his family, where he worked for various radio companies (including RAI ) and various magazines. In addition to his poems, he also worked on translations into Italian. He transferred u. a. Works by Charles Dickens , Ernest Hemingway , William Wordsworth , Honoré de Balzac and Marcel Proust .




  • Sirio . SEN, Naples 1929.
  • Fuochi di novembre . 1932.
  • La capanna indiana . Sansoni, Florence 1951.
  • Viaggio d'inverno . Garzanti, Milan 1971.
  • Al fuoco calmo dei giorni. Poesia 1929-1990 . Rizzoli, Milan 1991, ISBN 88-17-16813-0 .
  • Verso le sorgenti del cinghio . Garzanti, Milan 1993, ISBN 88-11-63031-2 .
  • La lucertola di Casarola . Garzanti, Milan 1997, ISBN 88-11-63036-3 .
  • Il viaggio di nozze . Universita, Parma 2004, ISBN 88-7847-094-5 .

Illustrated books

  • Italia 1900. Viaggi fotografici di Giuseppe Michelini 1873 - 1951. Grafis, Casalecchio di Reno 1981.
  • Camera da letto . 2 vols. Garzanti, Milan 1984 a. 1988. 2nd edition 1992, ISBN 88-11-66895-6 .


Correspondence, conversations


  • Manfred Lentzen: Italian poetry of the 20th century. From the avant-garde of the first decades to a new inwardness. Analecta Romanica series, issue 53. Klostermann, Frankfurt a. M. 1994, ISBN 3-465-02654-3 , pp. 236-246.

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