Eyespot glory perch

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Eyespot glory perch

Eyespot Pracht perch ( Pelvicachromis subocellatus )

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Chromidotilapiini
Genre : Pelvicachromis
Type : Eyespot glory perch
Scientific name
Pelvicachromis subocellatus
( Günther , 1871)

The eye spot perch ( Pelvicachromis subocellatus ; Latin sub - under, ocellus - little eye , spot), also red-violet perch, is a cichlid from West Africa. The species was first introduced to Germany in 1907 for aquarium purposes.

Occurrence and habitat

The eyespot glory perch is found in the coastal area of ​​West Africa. From Limbreville ( Gabon ) to the mouth of the Congo ( Congo ) it inhabits standing and flowing waters of the coastal strip and also penetrates into brackish water. The water temperature is 24 to 26 degrees Celsius, and the water is relatively soft (8 to 12 ° dH ) and slightly acidic with a pH value of 6.5.


As is typical for the genus Pelvicachromis , with a total length of no more than six centimeters, the female is slightly smaller than the male, which can become eight centimeters long. The basic color of the eyespot prussian perch, which is more compact compared to other species, is gray-green to gray-brown. The gill covers and breasts of adult males are gold in color. Two dark longitudinal lines run at times over the back and middle of the body. Occasionally, there are also some large, dark spots on the body. The scales show a dark border. The dorsal fin of the male is pointed and somewhat elongated. It is yellowish in color and has a red border, in the soft-rayed area there are vertical rows of blue and red dots. The caudal fin has a rounded shape and is bronze in color with light spots in the upper half and vertical rows of red and blue dots in the lower half. Occasionally the upper half is lobed. The anal fin is dark red and also has vertical rows of dots in its soft-rayed part. The pelvic fins are dark red and darkly lined on the front edge. Female animals are typically fuller and more colorful than their male counterparts. During the spawning season they wear a dark band from the crack in their mouth to the rear edge of the gill cover, otherwise the head is colored yellow. The front and back parts of the body then turn a sooty black and a large cherry-red stain appears on the stomach. This spot is also often surrounded by shiny silver scales. The rounded dorsal fin usually has a golden sheen and bears eye spots or black and gold markings. The anal fin is also rounded. The pelvic fins are sickle-shaped, rounded and dark red with sooty overlays. The eye spot perch has 25 to 28 scales in a central longitudinal row.

Fin formula : Dorsal XIV-XVI


The reproductive behavior of the black eye spot perch is typical of the species. A clutch comprises around 60 to 200 eggs that hang on threads around five millimeters long from the ceiling of the brood cavity. The hatched fry are housed by their parents in previously dug pits.



  • Ivan Petrovick, Libuse Knotek, Jaromír Knotek: The great encyclopedia of aquarium fish. Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen 1993, ISBN 3-86070-288-2 .
  • Anton Lamboj : Pelvicachromis subocellatus. In: Claus Schaefer, Torsten Schröer (Hrsg.): The large lexicon of aquaristics. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-7497-9 , p. 758.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Rüdiger Riel, Hans A. Baensch : Aquarienatlas . 14th edition. Mergus Verlag, Melle 2002, ISBN 3-88244-065-1 (Volume 1). P. 750
  2. Anton Lamboj: Pelvicachromis subocellatus. 2004.
  3. ^ A b Günther Sterba : Freshwater fish of the world , Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89350-991-7 . P. 794