August Detlev Sommerkamp

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August Detlef Nicolaus Sommerkamp (born February 19, 1891 in Borgholz , Dithmarschen district; † December 14, 1972 ), who retired as Hamburg District Court Director in 1959, played in the first thirty-three episodes of the first German court show The TV Court meets the judge, popularly known as Papa Gnädig .

Under the title Dr. Sommerkamp advises he had a column with legal advice in Das Neue Blatt .

Sommerkamp was President of the Association against Alcohol and Drugs in Road Traffic from 1960 to 1969, and the journal Blutalkohol was founded in the first year of his tenure .

Individual evidence

  1. Gottfried Lorenz: Dr. August Sommerkamp , March 30, 2008.
  2. State Center for Civic Education Hamburg : August Sommerkamp, ​​who was involved in the Nazi regime
  3. ^ Oskar Stodiek: The media agenda in the medical journalism of the "Regenbogenpresse" , Munich 2009, p. 129 , ISBN 978-3643100542 .
  4. Annual report 2009/2010 of the Federation against Alcohol and Drugs in Road Traffic, p. 5 ( pdf ( memento of the original dated December 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /