August Erren

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August Erren (born August 26, 1896 ) was a German pharmacist .


Erren was the owner of the Loretto pharmacy in Freiburg im Breisgau . From 1945 he was first managing director and then acting head of the southern Baden pharmacy. When the Landesapothekerkammer Baden was founded, he was elected President on August 2, 1947. After the establishment of the state of Baden-Württemberg, Erren remained President of the now District Chamber of Pharmacists in South Baden and was a member of the board of the State Chamber of Pharmacists of Baden-Württemberg .



  • August Erren, Freiburg / Br., 65 years old , In: Pharmazeutische Zeitung, August 31, 1961, p. 1053 ( digitized version ; PDF; 515 kB)