August Wenzel (football official)

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August Wenzel (born February 11, 1912 in Aschaffenburg , † January 6, 2000 in Einbeck ) was a German football official.

Functional activities

In 1948 August Wenzel became a board member of SV Einbeck 05 and in 1954 took over the office of chairman. From 1949 to 1974 he was chairman of the district sports association Einbeck, from 1950 to 1974 chairman of the soccer district association, from 1952 board member of the state sports association of Lower Saxony and from 1964 on the board of the Lower Saxony soccer association, whose chairman he became in January 1969. From 1965 he was a member of the DFB Advisory Board and in 1975 he took over the presidency of the North German Football Association . In 1977 August Wenzel was appointed to the executive committee of the DFB, to which he was a member until 1989.

Wenzel actively played football for Viktoria Aschaffenburg .


August Wenzel received the Great Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1982 and the Lower Saxony State Medal in 1996 . He also received the Golden Badge of Honor from the DFB and the Golden Badge of Honor with diamonds from the NFV. The August Wenzel Stadium in Barsinghausen is named after him.


In 1957, Wenzel took part in the establishment of a retirement home foundation through which eight retirement homes were established. The trained grocer also founded a trading company for metals and tools in Einbeck.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ In memoriam August Wenzel
  2. Archive December 10, 2009, accessed June 24, 2011

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