August Wilhelm von Eiff

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August Wilhelm von Eiff (born August 15, 1921 in Darmstadt , † July 1998 ) was a German doctor and committed Christian .


From 1973 to 1987 he was director of the Bonn University Medical Center . He himself held the chair for internal medicine , where he focused on the vegetative nervous system and psychosomatics . He was considered a specialist in the effects of stress and causes of high blood pressure disease .

In addition, he gave guest lectures at numerous foreign universities. He published over 300 writings.

Von Eiff was particularly committed to the ethics of medicine. In this matter he was the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany in the International AIDS Ethics Committee , a member of the National AIDS Advisory Council and other international interdisciplinary ethics commissions. He was the recipient of the Hippocrates Medal and the Romano Guardini Prize .

For a long time he was also involved in the church dialogue on questions of sexuality .

In his autobiographical book “Ins face contradicted. My life in dialogue with society and church ” , published in the year of his death, he reports on formative encounters and conversations with personalities from church and public life.

Since 1947 he was a member of the Catholic student association KDSt.V. Badenia (Strasbourg) Frankfurt am Main .

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Individual evidence

  1. International Who's Who in Education. Cambridge 1987. p. 669.