August von Strombeck

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August von Strombeck (born December 27, 1808 in Groß Sisbeck , † July 28, 1900 in Braunschweig ) was a German geologist, mineralogist, paleontologist and mining official.

Strombeck studied mining science at the Bergakademie in Freiberg from 1825 to 1828, was appointed assessor in 1833, chamber councilor in 1843, secret councilor in 1875 and later mining captain in Braunschweig, where he was particularly interested in the geology of the area around Braunschweig and the shell limestone and his Fossils dealt. He was friends with Leopold von Buch and accompanied him on exploratory trips. For the geognostic map of Braunschweig published in 1855 and 1856, which was of particular importance for its time, he received a prize at the first Paris World Exhibition.

Otto Griepenkerl named Ammonites strombecki after Strombeck in 1860 (today Noetlingites strombecki ).

He was the nephew of Friedrich Karl von Strombeck , who also dealt with geology and published about it.

In January 1849 he was accepted (serial number 148 of 170 members) into the German Geological Society , which was newly founded at the end of December 1848 . He was a member of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors and the Natural History Association of the Prussian Rhineland and Westphalia .


  • Contribution to the knowledge of shell limestone formation in north-western Germany. Journal of the German Geological Society, 1, 1849, pp. 115–231
  • About Cucullaea Beyrichi from the shell limestone. Journal of the German Geological Society, 1, 1849, pp. 451–456, panel VII
  • About two new fossils from the shell limestone. Journal of the German Geological Society 2, 1850, pp. 90–94, panel V
  • Addendum to the description of the shell limestone in northwestern Germany, I. Terebratula trigonella Schl. (T. trigonelloides sp. N.). Journal of the German Geological Society 2, 1850, pp. 186–195, II. Gyps im Muschelkalke. Pp. 196-198
  • About the occurrence of myophoria (Trigonia, Lyriodon) pes anseris SCHLOTH. sp. Journal of the German Geological Society, 10, 1858, pp. 80–87
  • Over the Triassic layers with Myophoria pes anseris SCHLOTH. on the sheep pasture in Lüneburg. Journal of the German Geological Society, 12, 1860, pp. 381–388

Individual evidence

  1. survival data by Bruno Frey Berg: The geological literature on north-eastern Bavaria (1476-1965). Part II: Biographical Author Register. Geologica Bavarica 71, Bavarian State Geological Office 1974.
  2. ^ Obituary in Leopoldina 36, ​​1900, pp. 155–156
  3. A new ceratite shape from the lowest wave limestone. Journal of the German Geological Society, 12, 1860, pp. 816–820, panel VII
  4. ^ Journal of the German Geological Society, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1849, p. 40
  5. Members of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors 1857
  6. ^ Membership directory Natural history association of the Prussian Rhineland and Westphalia 1879, Correspondenzblatt N1, p. 36 Archives