Auguste Moschard

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Auguste Moschard (born January 6, 1817 in Courtelary , † October 22, 1900 in Moutier ) was a Swiss politician . From 1851 to 1854 he was a member of the National Council, from 1850 to 1852 he was a member of the government of the Canton of Bern .


The son of a reformed pastor studied law at the universities of Bern and Geneva , and then practiced as a lawyer in Moutier . From 1846 to 1850 he served as President of the District Court of Moutier. After the conservatives had narrowly won the elections in the canton of Bern in 1850 , Moschard was elected to the government council by the Grand Council . In the cantonal government he then took over the management of the education department. Since he was unable to implement the reforms desired by the conservatives, he resigned two years later.

On the side of the Conservatives, Moschard ran in the National Council elections in 1851 and was elected in the constituency of Jura . Three years later he lost his seat and ran seven times without success. From 1853 to 1866 he was prosecutor for the Bernese Jura. In 1866 he returned to politics after being elected to the Grand Council. Although he was reformed, he supported the Catholics during the Kulturkampf . In 1896 he was President of the Grand Council.

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