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AUKOM - Training Coordinate Metrology eV

legal form Registered association
founding October 8, 2001
Seat Braunschweig , Germany

The non-profit association AUKOM ("Training Coordinate Metrology ") e. V. serves for training in production metrology with a focus on coordinate metrology . To this end, it provides standardized training courses that are offered by AUKOM partners worldwide. This training is the industry standard in production metrology.


The statutory goal of AUKOM is to achieve precise, efficient and comparable measurement results across national borders. AUKOM implements this with the help of its manufacturer and device-independent training. The association promotes basic and solid training and ensures the level and comparability of the courses offered by the AUKOM partners. With his worldwide activities he drives the internationalization of standardized training in production metrology.

Degree of distribution / internationalization

The standardized training according to the AUKOM concept is offered in Germany , Austria , Switzerland , Italy , France , Benelux , Spain , Portugal , Czech Republic , Hungary , Slovakia , Romania , Poland , Slovenia , Croatia , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Turkey , the People's Republic of China , India , Thailand , Mexico , Brazil and the USA are offered. A total of around 25,000 participants worldwide were trained according to the AUKOM training concept (as of February 2018).

Tasks of the association

  • Central development of the training documents and final exams for the respective training levels of the courses.
  • Carry out these exams in cooperation with the respective course providers.
  • Qualification of the trainer and regular review of the trainer based on given rules
  • Regular updating of the learning objectives of the individual learning modules of the training.
  • Awarding of the examination certificates to successful participants in the course measures.
  • Organization of the exchange of course documents between the training providers
  • Organization and co-hosting of conferences to promote the exchange between manufacturers, users and science in the field of production metrology and the publication of new findings and trends in training in this field.


  • AUKOM level 1: The seminar defines and consolidates basic manufacturing measurement knowledge for beginners and advanced measurement technicians. Knowledge is imparted on the subject of dimensional tolerances, programming principles, planning of measuring sequences and the machine and sensor technology used. The course duration is 5–8 days, depending on prior knowledge.
  • AUKOM level 2: The seminar expands production metrological basic knowledge for advanced measurement technicians. Knowledge of the topic, form and position tolerance, test plan interpretation, programming, monitoring and the machine and sensor technology used is imparted. The course duration is 5 days.
  • AUKOM form and position: The seminar offers in-depth knowledge on the subject of form and position tolerances according to ISO and ASME for advanced measurement technicians who work at the interfaces to other departments and have to communicate profitably. Design engineers, developers and production technicians get an insight into the subject of form and positional tolerances from the perspective of the measuring technician, who has to successfully implement the drawing specifications.
  • AUKOM level 3: The seminar offers comprehensive production measurement knowledge for advanced measurement technicians who work at the interfaces to other departments and have to communicate profitably. The latest knowledge of functional and production-oriented measurement, filtering, program creation, computed tomography, QM and measurement room management is imparted.

Individual evidence


Web links