Aulus Allienus

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Aulus Allienus († after 43 BC) was a politician and general in the final phase of the Roman Republic .


Aulus Allienus was friends with the orator and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero . For the first time he is 60 BC. Mentioned when he was the legate of Cicero's brother Quintus Tullius Cicero in the Roman province of Asia . Possibly he was before, around 62 BC. BC, already been quaestor in Macedonia. 55 BC Allienus was probably tribune of the people . He held the office of praetor in 49 BC. In the Roman civil war he stood on the side of Gaius Iulius Caesar and administered from 48 to 46 BC. In the position of proconsul the province of Sicily . In this capacity he is also mentioned on a surviving coin, which has the inscription A. Allienus pro cos on one side . wearing. When Caesar 46 BC In North Africa he fought the remaining leaders of the Pompeians, he received support from Allienus by sending a supply of troops. Cicero judged 46 BC Two received letters of recommendation to Allienus.

After Caesar's murder, Allienus took the side of the Senate Party and acted as the legate of the co-conspirator Gaius Trebonius , who was then head of the province of Asia. When Trebonius at the beginning of 43 BC Was murdered by the soldiers of the Caesarian Publius Cornelius Dolabella , Allienus joined Dolabella and became his legate. Dolabella allied with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII and then sent his legate to the Nile country. Allienus was supposed to pick up the four legions stationed there and bring Dolabella to his fight against Gaius Cassius Longinus . However, on March 7, 43 BC, Cassius was able to Chr. Informing Cicero in a received letter that the four Egyptian legions had been handed over to him by Allienus, who was on his way back. Apparently the murderer of Caesar, who had already commanded eight legions before this surrender, had succeeded in surprising Allienus in Palestine and forced him to surrender because of his troops twice as strong. These reinforcements contributed significantly to Cassius' victory over Dolabella (July 43 BC).

After 43 BC Allienus is no longer mentioned in the surviving sources.



  1. ^ Cicero, Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem 1, 1, 10.
  2. ^ Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton , The magistrates of the Roman republic , Volume 3: Supplement , Scholars Press, Atlanta 1986, p. 13.
  3. Cicero, Epistulae ad familiares 10, 15, 3.
  4. Appian , Civil War 2, 48 (with a slightly corrupted spelling of Allienus' name).
  5. ^ [Caesar], African War 2, 3; 26, 3; 34, 4.
  6. Cicero, Epistulae ad familiares 13, 78f.
  7. ^ Cicero, Philippine Speeches 11:32.
  8. ^ Cassius in Cicero, Epistulae ad familiares 12, 11, 1.
  9. ^ Cicero, Philippine Speeches 11:30; Cassius in Cicero, Epistulae ad familiares 12, 11, 1 and 12, 12, 1; Appian, Civil Wars 3, 78; 4.59; 4, 61; on this Christoph Schäfer : Cleopatra . Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2006, ISBN 3-534-15418-5 , pp. 116-117 .