Aulus Verginius Tricostus Caelimontanus

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Aulus Verginius Tricostus Caelimontanus came from the Verginians and is said to have been in the early Roman Republic in 494 BC. Have held the consulate .


The historians Livius and Dionysius only pass on the prenomen and the gentile name of the consul from 494 BC. Some chroniclers name only the second cognomen Caelimontanus . The Cicero commentator Asconius called him three names ( Aulus Verginius Tricostus ) .


Verginius, whose father allegedly carried the same prenomen Aulus , was, according to tradition, after 494 BC. Consul together with Titus Veturius Geminus Cicurinus . The details of the events of their consulate mentioned by Livius and Dionysius are probably based on historical constructions by annalists of the late Roman Republic. After these stories the patricians and the plebeians quarreled when the consuls wanted to recruit new soldiers for their prospective wars. Debates followed in the Senate, and finally a dictator was appointed to solve the problems. The campaigns against external enemies were distributed among the consuls in such a way that Veturius was to fight the Aequer , while Verginius was to fight with three legions against the Volscians . The war led by Verginius is described as a complete success. He is said to have defeated the Volscians in a battle, stormed their camp, conquered the city of Velitrae and then converted it into a Roman colony. In addition, the dictator Manius Valerius Maximus is credited with a victorious battle against the Sabines .

In spite of the wars that were so good for the Romans, the promises made to the plebeians were not kept. The dictator then announced his resignation indignantly. The consuls tried to prevent an impending rebellion by trying to thwart a dissolution of the legions. But the plebs moved to the Mons Sacer (Holy Mountain) and so it came to a split of the Roman citizens. While this situation continued, the consuls were reportedly elected for the next year. According to Dionysius, Verginius was then one of the ten senators who went as ambassadors to negotiate with the plebeians who had moved out. This news fits in with his demeanor, which he described as being moderate, towards the wishes of the plebeians. He is named last in the list of envoys whose names were borrowed from the consular fasts of that time. However, the historicity of this first secession is not certain.

It also remains uncertain whether 487 BC. Verginius who fell as a military tribune in the war against the Volscians with the consul from 494 BC treated here. Or with that of 496 BC BC, Titus Verginius Tricostus Caelimontanus , is identical.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. Vol. 1: 509 BC - 100 BC Cleveland / Ohio: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1951. Reprinted unmodified 1968. (Philological Monographs. Ed. Of the American Philological Association. Vol. 15, Part 1), pp. 13f
  2. Chronograph of 354 : Celimontiano ; Hydatius , Fasti : Caelimontano ; Chronicon Paschale : Κελεμοντανου.
  3. ^ Asconius , in Cicero , per Cornelio de maiestate p. 76 Or.
  4. Dionysios 6, 69, 3.
  5. ^ Livy 2, 30, 7 and 10-15; Dionysios 6, 42, 1f .; 6, 43, 1.
  6. ^ Livy 2, 32, 1f .; Dionysios 6, 45, 1f.
  7. Livy 2:33 , 3; Dionysios 6, 48, 3; 6, 49, 1.
  8. Dionysios 6, 69, 3.
  9. Festus , p. 180 ed. Lindsay.
