Aurelio Tiratelli

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Aurelio Tiratelli (* 1842 in Rome ; † May 3, 1900 ibid) was an Italian painter .

In 1856, at the age of 14, Tiratelli became a student at the Accademia di San Luca in his hometown. At first he was a student of the sculptors Scipione Tadolini and Pietro Tenerani and was involved - together with his teachers - in the creation of the tomb for the envoy from Mexico, Baron Guerra .

Tiratelli later switched from sculpture to painting and - at the same academy - became a student of the painters Alessandro Capalti , Tommaso Minardi and Francesco Podesti . Via genre and animal painting , Tiratelli found landscape painting from 1875 .

The painter Cesare Tiratelli was his son.

The painter Aurelio Tiratelli died on May 3, 1900 in Rome at the age of about 58.

Tiratelli found the themes for all of his artistic work in Rome and its surroundings. Despite sometimes hinted at monumentality, it is consistently characterized by accuracy in the details.


  • Cattle market in the Roman Campagna
  • A railway accident
  • Country folk on a cart pulled by buffalo
  • Harvest in the Campagna
  • Harvest cart in the Roman Campagna
  • Herd of oxen on the country road
  • Battle of the Buffalo in the Campagna
  • Buffalo herd at the drinking point