Training in the United States Armed Forces

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Soldiers take a stand during a combat exercise

The training in the armed forces of the United States of America is one of the most sophisticated and effective military training. Soldiers in the US armed forces are trained separately according to their rank , membership of one of the five American armed forces and personal qualifications.

Basic training

The basic training in the United States military is separated vonstatten by the armed forces. After completing the basic training, which is the shortest with the Army and the longest with the Marines , all successful recruits receive an award.


Main article: Basic training in the United States Army

Basic training in the United States Army takes nine weeks. The drafted recruits are distributed over five different training centers. After successfully completing Basic Combat Training (BCT), soldiers receive their first military award , the Army Service Ribbon .


Graduation ceremony in Great Lakes.

Main article: Basic training in the United States Navy

In the United States Navy, basic training lasts eight weeks and takes place centrally for all recruits at Naval Station Great Lakes under the direction of the Recruit Training Command at Naval Station Great Lakes , Illinois . In contrast to the other armed forces, successful graduates do not receive a military award, but are allowed to wear a cap that says sailor instead of recruit .

Marine infantry

Main article: Basic training in the United States Marine Corps


After completing the basic training, a specialization course is compulsory for every recruit, which on average lasts as long as the basic training. These courses, from which z. B. Infantrymen , tank gunners or snipers emerge, usually result in a promotion. They are at Army and Marines as a Military Occupational Specialty ( MOS ), in the Navy as a Navy Enlisted Classification ( NEC ) and the Air Force as Air Force Specialty Code ( AFSC indicated).

Cultural processing

Due to the high media presence of the US military, v. a. basic education found its way into western popular culture . The perspectives range from an affirmative portrayal of military training as the last opportunity for failed existences to moral and social reversal ( an officer and gentleman ) to condemnation as the emotional and physical destruction of idealistic recruits. Stanley Kubrick's anti-war film Full Metal Jacket aims towards the latter .

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