Australian Junker

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Australian Junker
Australian Junker (Ophthalmolepis lineolata), male

Australian Junker ( Ophthalmolepis lineolata ), male

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Labriformes
Family : Wrasse (Labridae)
Subfamily : Junker Wrasse (Julidinae)
Genre : Ophthalmolepis
Type : Australian Junker
Scientific name of the  genus
Bleeker , 1862
Scientific name of the  species
Ophthalmolepis lineolata
( Valenciennes , 1839)

The Australian Junker ( Ophthalmolepis lineolata , Syn . : Julis lineolatus ) is a wrasse that lives endemically on the coast of the southern half of Australia . He's missing around Tasmania . The fish live on rocky reefs that are overgrown by algae and sponges , adult animals often in large numbers on reefs away from the coast at depths of up to 60 meters. Young fish prefer shallower water and live individually between rocks, in river mouths and harbors.


The Australian Junker is 40 centimeters long. Its body is elongated and resembles that of the Coris wrasse . However, its head is more blunt and the number of scales less. Along the sideline organ, the Australian Junker has 52 to 56 scales, Coris species, with the exception of Coris pictoides , however, 70 to 90 scales.

The long dorsal fin of the Australian Junker is supported by 9 hard rays and 12 to 13 soft rays, the anal fin has 3 hard and 13 soft rays.

The coloring of the Australian Junker is characterized by a longitudinal pattern. In young animals and females, the upper side of the body is brown, the base of the dorsal fin is light orange. A white longitudinal band runs along the sideline from the gill cover to the caudal fin. The belly is yellowish. With increasing age, a pattern of fine bruises appears on the head. Males have a reddish back, below the white longitudinal band on the flanks they have a black one. Your head looks beefy and is gray to greenish.


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Commons : Ophthalmolepis lineolata  - Collection of images, videos and audio files