Austrochaperina alexanderi

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Austrochaperina alexanderi
Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Narrow-mouth frogs (Microhylidae)
Subfamily : Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae)
Genre : Austrochaperina
Type : Austrochaperina alexanderi
Scientific name
Austrochaperina alexanderi
Rainer Günther , Stephen J. Richards & Chris Dahl , 2014

Austrochaperina alexanderi is a frog of the family -mouthed (Microhylidae). It belongs to the subfamily of the Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae).


The body length (snout-urostyle length) was 42.2 to 44.4 millimeters in four adult males examined and 36.1 millimeters in one male that was still juvenile. Thus one Austrochaperina alexanderi to the large species of the genus Austrochaperina . The eyes are large, the ratio of eye diameter to body length is 0.127 to 0.147. The tympanum is small, the ratio of tympanum diameter to eye diameter is 0.26 to 0.30. The animals have a pale stripe behind the eyes that extends to the shoulder region.

The courtship calls consist of tones that are between 100 and 120 milliseconds long and have a repetition rate of 1.8 to 2.4 tones / second.


Austrochaperina alexanderi occurs in the Muller Range in Papua New Guinea . The specimens known so far were found along a small area of ​​slowly flowing and clear flowing water. This rises from the limestone near the Sawetau Camp and disappears back into the subsurface about 50 meters downstream.

Way of life

The calls of the males can be heard from the ground near the flowing water at night after rainfall. All specimens observed stayed within 2 meters of the shore.


Austrochaperina alexanderi was first described in 2014 by Rainer Günther , Stephen J. Richards and Chris Dahl . The species name alexander refers to the grandson of the senior author of the first description, Alexander Werner.

supporting documents

  • Rainer Günther, Stephen J. Richards, Chris Dahl: Nine new species of microhylid frogs from the Muller Range in western Papua New Guinea (Anura, Microhylidae) . Vertebrate Zoology, 64 (1), pp. 59-94.