Azan Garo

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Azan Garo (* 1988 in Mongaguá , São Paulo , Brazil ) is a Brazilian-German playwright . He grew up between Peru and Germany and has lived in Berlin and Brandenburg since 2009 .

Garo studied German and theater studies in São Paulo , Munich and Berlin. At the same time he took part in OFFtheater and radio projects as an expert in sound, noise and film editing. Since then he has been working as a freelance film editor and sound editor .

For the drama "INNEROUTERCITY" he was awarded the Chemnitz Theater Prize for contemporary young drama 2017. The first performance staged Stephan Beer at the spectacle of Theater Chemnitz ; The premiere was on April 28, 2017.

Web links

Reviews of the premiere

  • [4] "Signals from the filter bubble" on
  • [5] "Bubonic plague in the east wing" in Freie Presse Chemnitz
  • [6] "Uncertainty Supergame" in Dresdner Neuste Nachrichten