BJ Widick

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Branko John Widick (born October 25, 1910 in Okučani , now in Croatia , † June 28, 2008 in Ann Arbor , Michigan ) was an American political activist and trade unionist.


Widick graduated from the University of Akron in Ohio . In 1934 he made his degree in economics . In the same year he became a member of the Communist League of America and in 1938 a member of the newly formed Socialist Workers Party . After a split in the SWP, he supported the Workers Party from 1940 . He wrote for her papers Labor Action and New International , often under a pseudonym. After World War II he became a unionist with the United Auto Workers . From the late 1960s he taught as a professor of laboratory studies at Wayne State University in Detroit and Columbia University in New York . In 1983 he retired.


  • (with Irving Howe ): The UAW and Walter Reuther . Random House, 1949
  • Labor Today: The Triumphs and Failures of Unionism in the United States . Houghton, 1964
  • Detroit: City of Race and Class Violence . Quadrangle, 1972; Revised version: Wayne State University Press, 1989
  • Auto Work and Its Discontents . Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976

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