BM Oplot

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BM Oplot
BM Oplot at a Ukrainian exhibition shortly before loading onto a tank transporter (2009)

BM Oplot at a Ukrainian exhibition shortly before loading onto a tank transporter (2009)

General properties
crew 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
length 7.07 m
width 4.17 m
height 2.28 m
Dimensions 51 t
Armor and armament
Armor Composite armor , reactive armor
Main armament 125 mm smoothbore gun KBA-3
Secondary armament 1 × 7.62 mm machine gun,
1 × 12.7 mm anti- aircraft machine gun
drive Liquid-cooled 6-cylinder 2-stroke diesel / multi-fuel engine KMDB 6TD-2E
895 kW (1200 PS)
suspension Torsion bar
Top speed 70 km / h
Power / weight 17.5 kW / t (23.5 PS / t)
Range 400-500 km

The main battle tank BM Oplot ( Ukrainian БМ «Оплот» , fortress ' ) is a Ukrainian advancement of the T-84 . The first prototype was made in 2008.

Development history

The BM Oplot is the latest Ukrainian development of the T-64 , T-80 and T-84 series , designed by ChKMB in Kharkiv . One of the main draft guidelines was to make the Ukrainian defense industry more independent from Russia.

The BM Oplot was equipped with an air conditioning system for use in hot climates ; the operating temperature range is specified as −40 ° C to 55 ° C.

Web links

Commons : BM Oplot  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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