Babai (Sarmatians)

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Babai († around 471 ) was a king of the Sarmatians living in the 5th century AD .


Around the year 469 Babai took part on the side of the Suebi , Gepids , Heruli and other tribes in the battle of the Bolia against the Ostrogothic king Thiudimir , with the latter proving to be victorious. Babai got away with his life. Around 471 he was attacked by Theodoric the Great , about 18 years old , who had just returned from a ten-year stay in Constantinople as a hostage , under the pretext of avenging the defeat of the imperial general Camundus and the devastation of Dacia for the Roman Empire . Theodoric was able to rely on an army of almost 6000 followers in this attack, which was supposedly carried out without his father's knowledge. He crossed the Danube , attacked and defeated the Sarmatian army, killed Babai himself and stole his servants and treasures. But without keeping the contract with the Eastern Roman Emperor Leo , he kept the riches captured by Babai for himself instead of handing them over to the provincials. He then seized the city of Singidunum (today's Belgrade ), located in Moesia superior , which had been captured by Babai, and gave it back to the Eastern Roman government, but took over the rule there himself.



  1. Jordanes , De origine actibusque Getarum 54, 277.
  2. Jordanes, De origine actibusque Getarum 55, 282.