Backer Islands

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Backer Islands
Waters Cranton Bay , Amundsen Lake
Geographical location 74 ° 25 ′  S , 102 ° 40 ′  W Coordinates: 74 ° 25 ′  S , 102 ° 40 ′  W
Backer Islands (Antarctica)
Backer Islands

The Backer Islands are a chain of small islands at the southern end of Cranton Bay off the Walgreen coast of Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica .

They were mapped by measurements of the United States Geological Survey and with the help of aerial photographs of the United States Navy between 1960 and 1966. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named them after Walter K. Backer (* 1926) of the US Navy, senior construction mechanic of Byrd Station in 1967.

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