Baden-Württemberg sports youth

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Baden-Württemberg sports youth
Logo of the Baden-Württemberg sports youth
Chairman Tobias Müller
Members approx. 1.6 million
Association headquarters Stuttgart

The Stuttgart- based Baden-Württemberg Sports Youth in the State Sports Association of Baden-Württemberg (BWSJ) is the youth organization of sport in Baden-Württemberg .

It represents the interests of over 1.6 million young people up to the age of 27 in around 11,400 sports clubs in Baden-Württemberg, making it the youth organization in the state with the largest number of members. It is a recognized provider of free child and youth welfare in Germany , extracurricular youth education and the " Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) in Sport ", the Federal Volunteer Service (BFD) in sport and the "FSJ Sport and School". The BWSJ aligns its work in accordance with the Child and Youth Welfare Act (KJHG), the Youth Education Act (JBG) and taking into account the principle of “ gender mainstreaming ” and equality. It does charitable, beneficial work in the sense of the state constitution of Baden-Württemberg and maintains numerous cooperations and partnerships at state level. In order to bring Baden-Württemberg's interests to the federal level, the BWSJ is involved in various fields of work of its umbrella organization, the German Sports Youth .


The BWSJ promotes sports youth work, the treatment of general youth issues of fundamental importance and the representation of the common interests of the children and young people organized in the sports clubs. In addition, the BWSJ sees itself as an advocate for all children and young people when it comes to exercise, sport and play. The association represents the sports / youth policy interests of its members vis-à-vis the state parliament, state government and other political and social groups at state and federal level. It supports sports clubs and associations in the field of youth work with information, concepts, state-wide model measures, representation of interests in the field of sport and youth politics, financial support through grants and help in establishing contacts and networks. The association thus promotes youth education work in sport and works towards adequate further development. It also promotes international understanding through appropriate sport / youth policy measures.

Fields of work

The BWSJ is the portal for youth work in sport in Baden-Württemberg, which records social developments, translates them into suitable youth and sport policy offers and at the same time sets new impulses for youth work in sport through model measures. In order to support young people growing up successfully, the BWSJ is involved in various fields of work:


Current members are:

  • Badische Sportjugend Freiburg
  • Badische Sportjugend Nord
  • Württemberg sports youth


The board works within the framework of the decisions of the main youth committee. He manages the day-to-day business of the association and is in particular responsible for all consultations and decisions to fulfill the tasks according to § 2 of the youth regulations, unless these are reserved for the main youth committee. The term of office of a board member is three years; however, it remains in office until a new election is held regardless of the term of office.

The current board consists of the following people:


  • Tobias Müller


  • Jens Jakob (Deputy Chairman)
  • Volker Lieboner (Deputy Chairman)
  • Anne Köhler (Deputy Chair)
  • Dirk Dietz (Assessor)
  • Magnus Müller (assessor)


Since 24 January 2005, the Association has its headquarters in SpOrt Stuttgart in Stuttgart sports and event venue Neckar Park .


Through its own publications and participation in the publications of the Baden-Württemberg State Sports Association, the Baden-Württemberg Youth Sports Association provides information about their work and interesting facts about youth work in sports.

The “Sport in Baden-Württemberg” magazine of the Baden-Württemberg State Sports Association appears monthly.

Web links
