Badi (disambiguation)

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Badi denotes:

  • Badi , a village in the province of Bologna in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy
  • Badi (Beichuan) , a Qiang and Tibetan (坝 底 羌族 藏族 乡) community in Beichuan Autonomous County in Sichuan Province, China
  • Badi (Rongzhag) , a municipality (巴 底 乡) in Rongzhag County in the Chinese province of Sichuan
  • Badi (Weixiv) , a municipality (巴迪 乡) in Weixi Autonomous County in Yunnan Province, China
  • Badi (caste, Nepal) , a socially inferior caste in Nepal
  • Badi (caste, India) , a caste in northern India
  • Swimming pool in German-speaking Switzerland.
  • Badiʿ calendar the religious calendar of both Babism and Baha'mism.
  • Badi (river) , a river in Guinea

Badi is the first name of the following people:

  • Badi ' (1852-1869), Baha'i martyr
  • Badi Assad (* 1966), Brazilian singer, guitarist and composer in the field of jazz and world music
  • Badī 'az-Zamān Abū l-'Izz ibn Ismā'īl ibn ar-Razzāz al-Jazarī, Arab-Turkish author, inventor and cyberneticist of the Middle Ages, see al-Jazari
  • Badi 'az-Zaman al-Hamadhani (969-1007), Persian poet
  • Badi Panahi (1935–2008), Iranian-German social scientist

Badi is the family name of the following people: