Sagliains train station
Sagliains is a Rhaetian Railway (RhB) station west of the village of Lavin on the territory of the municipality of Zernez in the Swiss canton of Graubünden . It is located in the Lower Engadine at an altitude of 1,432 m at the exit of the Val Sagliains, which gives it its name, at the south portal of the Vereina tunnel . It connects the Vereina line from Klosters - Selfranga with the Engadine line Samedan - Scuol-Tarasp . It was created in connection with the Vereina tunnel and went into operation in November 1999.
The platform next to the car loading station is used exclusively for rail passengers transferring. It cannot be reached on foot via public entrances.
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Coordinates: 46 ° 45 '48.2 " N , 10 ° 5' 47.4" E ; CH1903: 803001 / 182573