Baldwin V (Jerusalem)

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The coronation of the child king Baldwin V of Jerusalem. Miniature from the 14th century.

Baldwin V (* 1177 ; † September 1186 in Acre ) was the son of Sibylle of Jerusalem and her first husband Wilhelm von Montferrat . He was king of Jerusalem from 1183 .

His uncle, King Baldwin IV († 1185), who suffered from leprosy , appointed him his successor and had him crowned king in 1183 during his own lifetime. Because of his minority, Baldwin V was under the reign of Count Raimund III. from Tripoli .

During his time as king, Saladin continued his attacks on the kingdom, which had already been weakened by the leprous Baldwin IV. Sibylle and her second husband, Guido von Lusignan , had fallen out with Rainald von Chatillon against Raymond III. allied when the young king died in Acre in 1186 . He was buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem .

Sibylle became queen, Guido her co-king. However, he had the real power in his hands and was soon faced with the expected invasion by Saladin, against whom he suffered a crushing defeat in the Battle of Hattin in 1187, as a result of which much of the kingdom, including Jerusalem , was conquered by the Muslims.

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predecessor Office successor
Baldwin IV. King of Jerusalem
Guido von Lusignan
(with Sibylle )