Barbara Frale

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Barbara Frale (born February 24, 1970 in Viterbo , Italy) is an Italian historian at the Vatican Secret Archives . Her work on the Knights Templar and the Turin Shroud are known . In September 2001, she rediscovered the quinone parchment , which had been incorrectly archived.

Frale studied monument conservation at the University of Tuscia . Her thesis on place names in the 14th century was published in 1995. She then worked for the Viterbo City Museum and the Latium Archives Department. In 1996 she received a degree in palaeography, diplomacy and archival science from the Vatican Archives and in 1998 a degree in Greek palaeography. In 2000 she received her doctorate at the University of Venice (dissertation: Guardiani del Santuario. Le radici orientali del processo contro l'ordine del Tempio (1128-1314) ) and received a scholarship at the German Historical Institute in Rome. From 2001 she was at the Vatican Archives as a paleographer.


  • I templari e la sindone di Cristo, Bologna 2009
  • I Templari, Bologna 2004 (English translation: The Templars - the secret history revealed, Turnaround Publ. 2009, foreword Umberto Eco )
  • Il Papato e il processo ai Templari. L'inedita assoluzione di Chinon alla luce della diplomatica pontificia, Rome 2003
  • L'ultima battaglia dei Templari. Dal "codice ombra" d'oboperza militare alla costruzione del processo per eresia, Rome 2001
  • Strategia di un delitto: Filippo il Bello e il cerimoniale segreto dei Templari, Florence 2001
  • Guardiani del Santuario. Le radici orientali del processo contro l'ordine del Tempio (1128-1314), Venice 2000
  • La città sul fiume. Places 1303-1363, Rome: Manziana 1995

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Frale: The Chinon chart: Papal absolution to the last Templar, Master Jacques de Molay. In: Journal of Medieval History. Volume 30, No. 2, June 2004, pp. 109-134, doi: 10.1016 / j.jmedhist.2004.03.004 , (with a short résumé on p. 134)