Barbara Godard

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Barbara Godard (born December 24, 1941 in Toronto , † May 16, 2010 in Toronto) was a Canadian translation scholar and literary critic. She taught as a university professor at York University in Toronto.


Godard grew up in Toronto and graduated from the University of Toronto with her bachelor's degree in 1964 . For her Masters , which she completed in 1967, Godard attended the University of Montreal . Another degree followed two years later, the maîtrise, at the University of Paris VIII , before she obtained her doctorate from the University of Bordeaux in 1971 . During her doctoral studies, Godard also taught at the University of Paris VIII. In 1971, Godard accepted the call to professor at York University in Canada, where she a. a. in the areas of English , French and women's studies taught full-time by the year of 2008.

Godard played an important role, especially in the field of feminist translation studies and literary criticism. So she translated u. a. Works by Canadian feminists such as Nicole Brossard and Yolande Villemaire and was co-editor and co-founder of the feminist journal Tessera, which has been published since 1981 and which specialized in feminist literary theory and feminist writing until it was discontinued in 2005. Godard published several books as well as over 200 articles in professional journals, the focus of which was mainly on the previously missing study of feminist writings within Canadian literary studies as well as avant- gardeism. With the translation of feminist literature from French and its analysis, she continued to contribute to the increasing importance of translation studies as an independent research discipline.

Godard died on May 16, 2010 of complications from cancer with her family at the Toronto Western Hospital.

Awards (selection)

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2010; Godard died during the electoral process, admission was therefore posthumous)
  • Vinay-Darbelnet Prize awarded by the Canadian Association of Translation Studies

Publications (selection)

  • Gynocritics: Feminist Approaches to Canadian and Quebec Women's Writings / Gynocritiques: démarches féministes à l'écriture des canadiennes et québécoises . (Ed.) Toronto: ECW 1987.
  • Collaboration in the Feminine: Writings on Women and Culture from Tessera . (Ed.) Toronto: Second Story 1994.
  • Canadian Literature at the Crossroads of Language and Culture . Toronto: NeWest Press 2008.
  • Bibliography of Feminist Criticism / Bibliographie de la critique féministe . Toronto: ECW 1987.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary for Barbara Godard . York University. Retrieved September 29, 2014.
  2. About Tessera . Website of Tessera magazine. Retrieved September 29, 2014.
  3. ^ The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) New Fellows 2010. Accessed September 20, 2016 .