Barbara Smoker

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Barbara Smoker (born June 2, 1923 in London ; † April 7, 2020 there ) was a British humanist and free-thinking civil rights activist . She was considered a well-known voice for the concerns of atheists .


Smoker grew up in a Catholic family. However, the findings of the Second World War , in which she participated in the Royal Navy , soon made her a representative of atheism . From 1971 to 1996, Smoker was President of the National Secular Society . She advocated euthanasia and was Chair of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society from 1981 to 1985 . She was Honorary Vice President of the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association in the United Kingdom. She campaigned for non-religious funerals and weddings as well as disarmament . She was honored by the International Humanist and Ethical Union .

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